In this case, php_value will modify the configuration of the PHP version used as an Apache module and not the configuration of PHP version 8.3.9 used in FCGI mode.
This may be possible in other ways, perhaps via user.ini files. See the PHP documentation :
user.ini files
Where a configuration setting may be set
How to change configuration settings Forum: WampServer English
Create an Apache variable in httpd.conf (there are already several), for example:
Define CURLCAINFO G:/programs/wamp/bin/certificats/cacert.pem
This variable can then be accessed via ${CURLCAINFO} in other Apache files such as httpd-vhosts.conf via:
php_value curl.cainfo ${CURLCAINFO}
For your information, all Apache Define are in the file wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.62.1\wampdefinea Forum: WampServer English
- Adminer Evo 4.8.4
Adminer 4.8.1 dates back to May 14, 2021 and development stopped there https://www.adminer.org/
In May 2023, after a long period without publication and as user contributions accumulated without being merged, a group of individuals decided to join forces and relaunch the project under the name AdminerEvo: https://docs.adminerevo.org/
It's all at https://wamp Forum: WampServer English
- Adminer Evo 4.8.4
Adminer 4.8.1 date du 14 mai 2021et le développement s'est arrêté là https://www.adminer.org/
En mai 2023, après une longue période sans publication et alors que les contributions des utilisateurs s'accumulaient sans être fusionnées, un groupe d'individus a décidé d'unir ses forces et de relancer le projet sous le nom d'AdminerEvo : https://docs.adminerevo.or Forum: WampServer Francais
> Why isn't the server answering https requests from other computers???
On these other PCs, is the hosts file (local DNS) set to if the ServerName test is requested?
If it works in http, it means that port 80 redirection is effective!
Is port 443 redirection effective?
I repeat:
I can't do any more tests, as I don't have networked PC's. Forum: WampServer English
Pourquoi vouloir changer les autorisations des fichiers ?
Les certificats et fichiers .key ou .pem générés par le mode https automatique ou manuel de Wampserver fonctionnent sans aucune modification des droits.
Voir :
- Clic-Droit -> Aide -> Aide mode HTTPS wampserver 'automatique'
- Clic-Droit -> Aide -> Aide mode HTTPS wampserver 'manuel'
Mais il faudrait mett Forum: WampServer Francais
> netstat -aof | findstr 443
> TCP [::]:443 RF:0 LISTENING 11220
> Never does it show listening on 443.
It just so happens that my PC containing Wampserver also has the fixed IP
C:\Windows\System32>netstat -aof | findstr :443
TCP MOUNI:0 LISTENING 2544 Forum: WampServer English
Locally, Joomla (or any other CMS or WEB application) must be installed in a VirtualHost just as it is at awardspace.
The site name - ServerName - cannot be the same locally as it is at awardspace, so site configuration files must take this into account.
And the database username and password must be created in local MySQL.
Transferring a site between a hosting provider and a loca Forum: WampServer English
C'est à Wordpress qu'il faut demander comment configurer Apache, PHP ET MySQL pour optimiser les performances.
Vous pouvez toujours augmenter la mémoire dévolue à PHP et MySQL pour essais. Forum: WampServer Francais
--- Êtes-vous à jour pour :
- Windows 11 -> On est en 23H2 depuis octobre 2023 (Presque un an)
- Wampserver -> Mise-à-jour 3.3.6 depuis le 15 juillet 2024
- Vérifier que tous les paquetages VC++ sont bien installés et avec les dernières versions.
Pour ce faire, utilisez l'outil :
Vérifications paquetages VC installés
N'utilisez pas une ancienne version de l'outil que vou Forum: WampServer Francais
I've given you all the tips and documents that enabled me to switch local sites to HTTPS SSL mode with a self-signed certificate.
It's not my area of expertise to find out why there's a problem with your command line.
Eventually, you could ask the question in the forum Apachelounge Forum: WampServer English
You should think about updatingWampserver update 3.3.6
The help files contain full explanations of how to switch to HTTPS mode, both manually and automatically. Forum: WampServer English
This is what the help page says: Right-Click -> Help -> Wampserver 'automatic' HTTPS mode help
Browser warning because self-signed certificate
-- Mozilla Firefox
Warning: probable security risk
Advanced button: Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER
Validate: Accept risk and continue.
-- Opera
Your connection is not private
Validate: Help me unders Forum: WampServer English
- PHP 8.3.11
All things are on https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/
No PHP 8.2.23 for the moment. Errors like :
[28-Aug-2024 12:29:18 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: ldap: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20220829
PHP compiled with module API=20230831
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
[28-Aug-2024 12:29:18 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Sta Forum: WampServer English
- PHP 8.3.11
Tout est sur https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/
Pas de PHP 8.2.23 pour le moment. Sort des erreurs du genre :
[28-Aug-2024 12:29:18 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: ldap: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20220829
PHP compiled with module API=20230831
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
[28-Aug-2024 12:29:18 UTC] PHP Forum: WampServer Francais
> And the main site works.
If the main site is working correctly in HTTPS mode, all you need to do is add the VirtualHost port 443 for the sub-domains in httpd-ssl.conf, but with the same certificates as for the main site.
It goes without saying that for both the main site and the sub-domains, the relevant VirtualHost port 80 must exist in httpd-vhosts.conf and be functional in HTTP mode. Forum: WampServer English
Let's take the example of a manually self-signed certificate as described in :
Right-Click -> Help -> Wampserver 'manual' HTTPS mode help
3.2.1 Certificate Domain Name
before go to 3.2.2, sub-domains must be added to Certificate SAN (Subject Alternate Names)
In this case, a single certificate can cover several domains and sub-domains.
That's all I know. Forum: WampServer English
VC 2013 it is 12.0.40664
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistribuable x86 & x64 Update 5
--- Best way to install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages ---
The simplest, easiest, least error-prone, fastest way to install the VC++ redistributables that are essential to Wampserver (and to many other softwares) is to use a program that installs everything that is needed with a single executable. Forum: WampServer English
Si vous installez la mise à jour 3.3.6 donnée précédemment :
votre Wampserver va passer en version 3.3.6 et vous pourrez installer Apache 2.4.62. Forum: WampServer Francais
Il y a quelque chose de bizarre dans votre configuration !
Vous avez un ServerName intranet mais dans le fichier hosts c'est intranetgo ! Forum: WampServer Francais
Je n'ai pas de réseau, je ne peux donc pas tester, mais...
Sur un PC du réseau vous tapez 'http://intranet/' que va t'il se passer ?
La recherche DNS du PC du réseau va commencer par aller voir dans le DNS local, c'est-à-dire dans le fichier host dudit PC où il ne va trouver aucune correspondance entre "intranet" et une IP et il va continuer avec les DNS déclarés où il Forum: WampServer Francais