> Listen
Pourquoi ?
Dans 99,999 % des cas il n'y a absolument rien à modifier dans le fichier httpd.conf !
Donc, laissez :
- Fichier hosts
> essai www.essai
> ::1 essai www.essai
NON ! essai www.essai
::1 essai
::1 www.essai
Oui ! est-elle bien une IP fixe ? Toujours la même ? M Forum: WampServer Francais
If you are obliged to add port 8080, this means that port 80 is occupied by something other than Apache.
So the first thing to do is find out what is occupying port 80:
Right-click -> Tools -> Test port 80
and enter the result here. Forum: WampServer English
Why did you change and the alias?
Did you realise that managed MySQL or MariaDB?
Also, the paths in these files must be in lower case; never forget that PHP, even under Windows, is case-sensitive for most information.
-- Remove PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 and its alias:
Left-click -> Apache -> Alias directory -> 'http://localhost/phpmyadmin' -> Supp Forum: WampServer English
See Help !
Right-Click -> Help
-> Wampserver 'automatic' HTTPS mode help
-> Wampserver 'manual' HTTPS mode help
Don't forget to clear your browser's cache. Forum: WampServer English
- Tray Menu Manager
+ Clipboard management fixed.
+ PDF management fixed.
+ Correction after the Windows 10/11 update in December.
+ Update of Pro 64 Bits libraries.
+ Fix Typos.
+ Info: 32-bit version no longer supported.
+ Info: Versions below Windows 10 are no longer tested.
+ Code signing.
All things are on Forum: WampServer English
- Tray Menu Manager
+ Correction de la gestion du presse-papier.
+ Correction pour la gestion des fichiers PDF.
+ Correction suite à la mise à jour de Windows 10/11 de décembre.
+ Mise à jour des bibliothèques Pro 64 Bits.
+ Correction des fautes de frappe.
+ Info : La version 32 Bits n'est plus suivie.
+ Info : Les versions inférieures à Win Forum: WampServer Francais
> it is not possible to upload and restore it through phpMyAdmin.
Increase the values of:
Left-Click -> PhpMyAdmin -> php_admin_value - php_admin_flag ->
You can do this directly in the PhpMyAdmin alias: c:\wamp64\alias\phpmyadmin.conf but you will need to Right-Click -> Refresh for it to be ta Forum: WampServer English
There is no possibility to upgrade Wampserver 2.5 to Wampserver 3.
You must backup your VirtualHost and your current databases to put them back in place in Wampserver 3.3.7.
You wrote :
> The current problem is that importing the MySQL database does not work because the MySQL version changes.
With Wampserver .2.5 and MySQL 5.6.17, you can export your databases in *.sql files and Forum: WampServer English
- Update xDebug 3.4.1 64 bit
xDebug version 3.4.1 update for PHP versions 8.0.x to 8.4.x 64 bit already installed.
See first post for download links
It's all at Forum: WampServer English
- Mise à jour xDebug 3.4.1 64 bit
Mise à jour xDebug version 3.4.1 pour les versions PHP 8.0.x à 8.4.x 64 bit déjà installées.
Voir le premier message pour les liens de téléchargement
Tout est sur Forum: WampServer Francais
It takes just six clicks on the VirtualHost management page.
Left-click -> Your VirtualHosts -> VirtualHost management
- 1st click: Modify Alias form
- 2nd click: Check phpmyadmin
- 3rd click: Modify Alias
- 4th click: Check: You want to use PHP in FCGI mode
- 5th click: Choose PHP version
- 6th click: Start the modification of the alias
You can read Help FCGI mode Forum: WampServer English
> à présent devrais-je rester en virtual host ?
Oui !
et Wampserver 3 - Créer ou ajouter un VirtualHost
et Pourquoi faut-il créer un VirtualHost AVANT d'installer un CMS
Et... ne pas oublier que WordPress met les information d'url de base dans la base de données. !
Donc, en local, il faut modifier cela. Forum: WampServer Francais
> l'aide d'un Chat IA j'ai dû modifier le fichier config d'apache
Pourquoi ?
La quasi totalité des configurations Apache, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB peut être effectuée via les menus Clic-Gauche !
À partir de, télécharger PHP 8.2.27 et installez-le "en tant qu'administeur"
Lancez Wampserver, aller sur la page Clic-Gauche -> Vos Virtu Forum: WampServer Francais
PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 was released in February 2023 and supported PHP 8.2.3.
It is "normal" that PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 does not support PHP 8.4.2, released in December 2024.
Switching the PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 alias to FCGI mode with a PHP version less than or equal to 8.2.3. Forum: WampServer English
PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 est sorti en février 2023 et supportait PHP 8.2.3.
Il n'est pas possible que PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 supporte PHP 8.4.2 sorti en décembre 2024.
Passer l'alias PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 en mode FCGI avec une version PHP inférieure ou égale à 8.2.3
Clic-Gauche -> Vos VirtualHosts -> Gestion VirtualHost
-> Formulaire de modification d'Alias
-> Cocher PhpMyAdmin pu Forum: WampServer Francais
As a matter of conscience, I uninstalled Google Chrome completely (Revo Uninstaller Pro), rebooted the machine and then installed Google Chrome from the ChromeSetup.exe file version 132.0.6833.0 downloaded a minute before.
After launching Wampserver, Google Chrome is clearly visible in the list of browsers (Right-click, Wamp Settings, Wampserver Browser). This is chosen as the Wampserve Forum: WampServer English
Avez-vous regardé dans la zone des icônes cachées de la barre des tâches ?
Wampserver, c'est-à-dire Aestan Tray Menu, nécessite des droits administrateurs pour être exécuté.
> Le processus AeTrayMenu n'existe pas.
Il apparaît dans le Gestionnaire des tâches, sous la rubrique Processus en arrière-plan, sous le nom : "TrayMenuManager". Forum: WampServer Francais
All aliases and VirtualHosts that are not in FCGI mode will be executed with the PHP version used as the Apache module.
For example, if you use PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 with PHP 8.4.* as an Apache module, there will be plenty of errors because PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 was released in February 2023 under PHP 8.2.3 and it's "normal" that it doesn't support PHP 8.4.*. It is therefore necessary to switc Forum: WampServer English
C'est bon : « Quand ça fonctionne, on ne touche pas ! ».
Pour marquer dans le titre, il faut modifier le premier message. Forum: WampServer Francais
Admittedly, the overall procedure is not clearly documented!
In order to be modified by Wampserver, aliases must be in the form of files with the .conf extension and located in the wamp64\alias\ folder.
- Creating the alias
Create an alias file along the lines of wamp64\alias\phpsysinfo.conf, for example. The file must have the .conf extension.
Or: Left-click -> Apache -> Alias Forum: WampServer English
This is the kind of thing that's not in the todo list, but you can do it yourself in the httpd-ssl.conf file.
For example, to use built-in certificates
SSLCertificateFile "${CERTIFS}/Site/${SERVERNAMEVHOSTSSL}.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "${CERTIFS}/Site/${SERVERNAMEVHOSTSSL}.key"
</IfDefine&g Forum: WampServer English
> VC_2013_redist_x86_Visual_C++_2013_x_86_12040664 not installed***
Téléchargez :
Et lancez l'exe en tant qu'administrateur. Forum: WampServer Francais
It takes just four clicks on the "Add a VirtualHost" page.
See FCGI mode help.
> I wrote this in the need Alias.
There's absolutely nothing to write about. Forum: WampServer English
I haven't found any way other than the registry key to find out which browsers are installed.
On my Windows 11 system, there are Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Edge and Internet Explorer browsers, and some of them are not installed in the default paths.
The different paths in wampmanager.conf depending on the default Wampserver browser are :
- Firefox
navigator = "E:/Com/Net/Firefo Forum: WampServer English
> only work if the above vcc+ packages are installed (il faut 2 VCC_2022redis)
- Moyen simple d'installer tous les visuals VC++ Redistribuable Packages
Aller sur en bas de page :{Manière simple d'installer les paquetages} Forum: WampServer Francais