Les addons PHP 8.3.13 et 8.2.25 sont sortis le 24 octobre.
PHP 8.4.0 sortira avec la version finale et Wampserver 3.3.7. Forum: WampServer Francais
Wouldn't the problem be the use of third-party antivirus and antimalware or a screensaver other than Windows.
I leave Wampserver in operation from 8 a.m. to about 8 p.m. with many screen extinctions and I have never seen a no-response to left-click or right-click. Forum: WampServer English
> localhost/wordpress.
Très mauvaise idée !
Les sites locaux doivent être dans un VirtualHost, comme chez tous les hébergeurs.
Voir :
Wampserver 3 - Créer ou ajouter un VirtualHost
Pourquoi faut-il créer un VirtualHost AVANT d'installer un CMS Forum: WampServer Francais
Have you tried changing the default Wampserver browser:
Right-click -> Wamp Settings -> Wampserver Browser
Of course without starting the browser first.
I've tried with Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge and even Internet Explorer and there's no problem. Forum: WampServer English
I don't understand what could be happening.
In the Event Viewer, clear the Windows Application and System Logs.
Via Wampserver, run 'localhost' to obtain a "crash", then check the Windows Application and System Logs for an error. Forum: WampServer English
Look for errors in the event viewer.
What happens if you type 'http://localhost/' (without quotes) in the browser address bar? Forum: WampServer English
Absolutely nothing has changed between 3.3.5 and 3.3.6 in terms of launching local sites and PhpMyAdmin.
For example, for localhost, it's always, in wampmanager.ini :
Type: item; Caption: "Localhost"; Action: run; FileName: "E:/Com/Net/Firefox/firefox.exe"; Parameters: 'http://localhost/'; Glyph: 27
This results in 'http://localhost/' being sent to the browser used by Wam Forum: WampServer English
Changer par quoi ?
Vous obtenez la liste des fichiers parce que dans le dossier afférent, il n'y a pas de fichier index.php Forum: WampServer Francais
> " Le fichier téléversé dépasse la directive upload_max_filesize dans php.ini. "
> Le service clients d'Elementor est incapable de m'apporter une solution.
Il faut vraiment que le "service clients" d'Elementor soit nul de chez nul pour être incapable de répondre à une telle question !!!!
Ça ne présage rien de bon ! Forum: WampServer Francais
Je n'ai pas écrit de modifier le fichier hosts du PC central !
Mais de modifier LES fichiers hosts des PC du réseau.
Si votre PC central a pour IP fixe et que le ServerName du VirtualHost est monsite, les fichiers hosts du réseau doivent contenir : monsite Forum: WampServer Francais
Right-Click -> Tools -> Command windows -> Command Windows Apache/bin
Leave the command window open and close Wampserver (Right-click -> Exit)
In the command window type :
del php.ini
Start Wampserver. Forum: WampServer English
From the outset, i.e. around 2003, Wampserver has been a local Apache, PHP, MySQL/MariaDB development server, i.e. a Windows-based Web development platform for dynamic Web applications, without the need for Internet access.
You won't be able to access Wampserver from the outside.
However, you will be able to access your correctly configured VirtualHost. And this external access can onl Forum: WampServer English
- MySQL 8.0.40 64bit
- MySQL 8.4.3 64bit
- MySQL 9.1.0 64bit
See the first message for download links
All things are on Forum: WampServer English
- MySQL 8.0.40 64bit
- MySQL 8.4.3 64bit
- MySQL 9.1.0 64bit
Voir le premier message pour les liens de téléchargement.
Tout est sur Forum: WampServer Francais