This problem does not exist after installing the MySQL 9.0.1 addon. I've just tried a fresh installation of MySQL 9.0.1 under Apache 2.4.62 and PHP 8.3.10.
The connection to the MySQL console (Left-click -> MySQL -> MySQL Console) is carried out without any problem with the user root without a password.
--- Using the MySQL console
- How to set a password for root (MySQL 9+) Forum: WampServer English
php_printer.dll is not included in the distributions of the various PHP versions of php.net, either 32 bit or 64 bit.
The php.net site does not mention php_printer.dll. Forum: WampServer English
- 1 - Sauvegarde de vos Virtualhost (Sites locaux) qui, je le rappelle, ne sont pas obligés d'être dans l'arborescence de Wampserver.
- 2 - Export de vos bases de données dans des fichiers SQL.
- 3 - Désinstallation de Wampserver.
- 4 - Redémarrage du système
- 5 - Installation de Wampserver sur l'autre disque
- 6 - Restauration des VirtualHost
- 7 - Restauration des bases de do Forum: WampServer Francais
Given that it comes from an "old 32bit LAMP VM", perhaps you shouldn't be using the latest version of MySQL, but an older version as well as PHP.
On the other hand: "The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable" means that MySQL can't write to its own data folder. Are you the owner of the Wamp installation folder?
Windows Server 2016 is no longer support Forum: WampServer English
As of May 9, 2023 and in agreement with Maximus23, developer of the Aestan Tray Menu, discontinuation of 32bit support for Wampserver.
64GB with 32 bit software is useless. Forum: WampServer English
- MySQL 8.0.39 64bit
- MySQL 8.4.2 64bit
- MySQL 9.0.1 64bit
See the first message for download links
All things are on https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ Forum: WampServer English
- MySQL 8.0.39 64bit
- MySQL 8.4.2 64bit
- MySQL 9.0.1 64bit
Voir le premier message pour les liens de téléchargement.
Tout est sur https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ Forum: WampServer Francais
> extension=php_imagick.dll
Vous n'avez pas prêté attention à la façon dont les extensions sont déclarées dans php.ini, mais uniquement à la façon dont les fichiers dll sont nommés dans le dossier ext !
Extension names in php.ini
e Forum: WampServer Francais
It has never been said or written anywhere that Wampserver will be launched automatically on Windows 11 startup!!!!
On the other hand, in the changelog, it is written :
- Wampserver 3.3.2
Option to start Wampserser on Windows startup
And, as it says "Options", this is a voluntary action:
- Launch Wampserver via its shortcut
- Double-click on the Tray Menu Ma Forum: WampServer English
> extension=php_imagick.dll
You haven't paid attention to how extensions are declared in php.ini or phpForApache.ini, but how dll files are named in the ext folder!
Extension names in php.ini
etc. Forum: WampServer English
Tu n'as pas à être désolé !
Il se trouve que j'ai un petit peu participé aux tests de cette version, ce qui a fait que j'ai été au courant de la sortie avant que ce soit officiel.
Merci pour tes annonces, ce qui me permet de ne rien manquer. Forum: WampServer Francais
> Reason is that the tray manager occasionally becomes unresponsive,
> typically after my windows 10 ws goes to sleep mode.
I've already written here that Wampserver, and by the same token Tray Menu Manager, doesn't support either sleep mode or hibernation mode.
It's a server and I see no objective reason to put a server into sleep mode.
However, for all matters relating to Tray Forum: WampServer English
>If you have time, could you please explain why this trick is "in principle" no longer needed in 2.4.61
> - but why it's still required for me? If my .htaccess is wrong, I'd better correct that...
Between the various evolutions, modifications and fixes of Apache 2.4.61 there is in the changelog about the correction of vulnerabilities :
CitationChangelog Apache 2.4.61
SE Forum: WampServer English
We're going to try out a trick we had to do with Apache 2.4.60 (version removed due to regression) but which, in principle, was no longer necessary with Apache 2.4.61.
- Quit Wampserver
- Modify file wamp64\bin\apache2.4.61\conf\httpd.conf (with notepad++, not Windows notepad)
Just after line 464, which is :
# or added with the Action directive (see below)
add the line :
Add Forum: WampServer English
It is often necessary to clear the browser cache, usually by pressing Ctrl-F5. Sometimes this operation has to be repeated.
With Apache 2.4.61, I don't have this problem on all my local sites, with Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Edge.
Of course, as indicated in the automatic HTTPS Wampserver help file, you need to override "Browser warning because self-signed certificate" depen Forum: WampServer English
You may have installed a previous update 3.3.2 to 3.3.5 by answering Yes to the question :
CitationWampserver UpdateThis update installs "Wampserver HTTPS SSL support
If you already have HTTPS support and to avoid any harmful interaction with "Wampserver HTTPS SSL mode", it is preferable to hide the possibility of installing "Wampserver HTTPS SSL support
Answering Ye Forum: WampServer English
> I can't find the menu item
> Right-click -> Wamp settings -> Wampserver ready to support https
HTTPS automatic mode has been supported since Wampserver 3.3.2, released on November 22, 2023.
Time to upgrade! We're now at Wampserver 3.3.6!
> since Apache 2.4.61 seems to insist on it - for non-secure pages
> my browser responds with "insecure download blocked Forum: WampServer English
- Wampserver update 3.3.6
HTTPS SSL "manual" mode support via Tray Menu Manager Options
PHP 8.1.29 for Wampserver internal scripts
Help text updates
Correction of some small defects
- Tray Menu Manager 64bit
Updated Tray Menu Manager(wampmanager.exe)
+ Correction for 4K display.
+ Scaling correction for different resolutions.
+ 4K centering correction.
+ Wind Forum: WampServer English
Mise à jour Wampserver 3.3.6
+ Support mode HTTPS SSL "manuel" via Options de Tray Menu Manager
+ PHP 8.1.29 pour les scripts internes Wampserver
+ Mises à jour des textes d'aide
+ Correction de quelques petits défauts
- Tray Menu Manager 64bit
Mise à jour de Tray Menu Manager (wampmanager.exe)
+ Correction pour l'affichage 4K.
+ Correction de mise à l'é Forum: WampServer Francais
I've just carried out a full-scale test of switching from Apache 2.4.61 to Apache 2.4.46d in two ways:
- Without copying the configuration (press Enter), then comparing the Apache configurations, and my seven local sites are working just fine in HTTPS mode.
- By copying the configurations (A key, then Enter, G key, then Enter) and my seven local sites work just fine in HTTPS. Forum: WampServer English
No, you haven't "updated" Apache but you've degraded it by replacing 2.4.61 with 2.4.46.
Automatic HTTPS support for Wampserver started with Wampserver 3.3.2, i.e. with Apache 2.4.58, and it's not certain that it works with Apache 2.4.46.
> something went wrong, which caused me to copy/merge the configuration
> files from the previous version to the new one.
It is clearly Forum: WampServer English
> Base 'espace_membres' inconnue in C:\wamp64\www\Tuto PHP\Inscription.php:3
La base de données espace_membres n'existe pas.
Et Wampserver n'est pour rien dans cette erreur. Forum: WampServer Francais
Si vous regardez dans les menus de Wampmanager, vous les verrez et en cliquant sur l'item de menu, le fichier s'ouvrira dans l'éditeur de texte par défaut :
Clic-Gauche -> Apache -> Apache error log et Apache access log
Clic-Gauche -> PHP -> PHP error log
Similaire pour le log MySQL Forum: WampServer Francais