- VC2015-2022 - VC17 Packages - 14.42.34433 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015-2022 x86 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015-2022 x64 VC2015-2022 (VC17) is backward compatible to VC2015 (VC14), VC2017 (VC15) and VC2019 (VC16). That means, a VC14, VC15 or VC16 module can be used inside a VC17 binary. Because this compatibility the version num Forum: WampServer English
- VC17 redistribuables 14.42.34433
Voir le premier message pour les liens de téléchargement
Tout est sur https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ Forum: WampServer Francais
I have no idea when Apache Lounge will compile a new version of Apache with OpenSSL 3.1.8 or higher.
You can go there and ask your question as was done for 3.1.6 -> 3.1.7: Forum: WampServer English
> that is the code I would like.
You've already got the code!
The "code" is all the files located in the various folders, such as php scripts in the wamp64/scripts/ folder, or wampmanager.conf and wampmanager.tpl files, language files in wamp64\lang\, etc.
That's all there is to it!
> What do you mean exactly everything is commercially licensed?
For Tray Menu Manager Forum: WampServer English
The source code for the original Aestan Tray Menu is still available:
As for the rest, everything is commercially licensed, and Aestan has long since ceased to exist. Forum: WampServer English
Téléchargez wampserver3.3.5_arm_x64.exe
Installez en tant qu'administrateur.
Sans aucune garantie n'ayant par de processeur ARM. Forum: WampServer Francais
Castspeller a écrit:
> Do you know when MariaDB 11.4.4 will be available as an Addon download?
Available today.
> When php 8.4 releases on Nov 21st when do you think it would be available for download for
> WampServer? Would it be as a complete new Installer or just as an Addon download?
PHP 8.4.0 will be available as an ad Forum: WampServer English
- MariaDB 10.5.27
- MariaDB 10.6.20
- MariaDB 10.11.10
- MariaDB 11.2.6
- MariaDB 11.4.4
All things are on https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ Forum: WampServer English
In a table in the Wordpress database, maybe the table config, there's the Wordpress base url.
You have to update it because apparently Duplicator hasn't done it.
In no way is this a Wampserver problem. Forum: WampServer English
Les addons PHP 8.3.13 et 8.2.25 sont sortis le 24 octobre.
PHP 8.4.0 sortira avec la version finale et Wampserver 3.3.7. Forum: WampServer Francais
Wouldn't the problem be the use of third-party antivirus and antimalware or a screensaver other than Windows.
I leave Wampserver in operation from 8 a.m. to about 8 p.m. with many screen extinctions and I have never seen a no-response to left-click or right-click. Forum: WampServer English
> localhost/wordpress.
Très mauvaise idée !
Les sites locaux doivent être dans un VirtualHost, comme chez tous les hébergeurs.
Voir :
Wampserver 3 - Créer ou ajouter un VirtualHost
Pourquoi faut-il créer un VirtualHost AVANT d'installer un CMS Forum: WampServer Francais
Have you tried changing the default Wampserver browser:
Right-click -> Wamp Settings -> Wampserver Browser
Of course without starting the browser first.
I've tried with Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge and even Internet Explorer and there's no problem. Forum: WampServer English
I don't understand what could be happening.
In the Event Viewer, clear the Windows Application and System Logs.
Via Wampserver, run 'localhost' to obtain a "crash", then check the Windows Application and System Logs for an error. Forum: WampServer English
Look for errors in the event viewer.
What happens if you type 'http://localhost/' (without quotes) in the browser address bar? Forum: WampServer English
Absolutely nothing has changed between 3.3.5 and 3.3.6 in terms of launching local sites and PhpMyAdmin.
For example, for localhost, it's always, in wampmanager.ini :
Type: item; Caption: "Localhost"; Action: run; FileName: "E:/Com/Net/Firefox/firefox.exe"; Parameters: 'http://localhost/'; Glyph: 27
This results in 'http://localhost/' being sent to the browser used by Wam Forum: WampServer English
Changer par quoi ?
Vous obtenez la liste des fichiers parce que dans le dossier afférent, il n'y a pas de fichier index.php Forum: WampServer Francais
> " Le fichier téléversé dépasse la directive upload_max_filesize dans php.ini. "
> Le service clients d'Elementor est incapable de m'apporter une solution.
Il faut vraiment que le "service clients" d'Elementor soit nul de chez nul pour être incapable de répondre à une telle question !!!!
Ça ne présage rien de bon ! Forum: WampServer Francais