bfarber Wrote:
> I'm seeing the same thing as MattRogowski.
> I downloaded "VC6 x86 Thread Safe" zip package and
> unzipped it locally.
> I copied the files to c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.0/
> I copied over wampserver.conf and phpForApache.ini
> from the php5.2.9-2 directory I had.
> Edited extensions dir in phpForApache.ini
> Renamed php.ini-development to php.ini and set
> extensions dir in it.
> Exited WAMP and relaunched. Whenever I try to use
> the 5.3.0 installation, Apache crashes. Apache
> error log shows
> pid file
> C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.2.8/logs/
> overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache
> run?
> PHP Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is
> deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on
> line 0
> I noticed in the appcompat.txt file that would
> have been sent that php5isapi.dll was still
> php5.2.9.9 instead of php5.3.0 like php5ts.dll
> was. In the PHP 5.3.0 download there is no
> php5isapi.dll however.
> My php 5.3.0 dlls seem to get copied over to
> C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\bin but with the
> php php5isapi.dll file. Not sure if it's
> relevant or not (I only code in PHP
I had the same problem i reinstalled wamp fresh and tried again and it worked fine. but i do have this one problem. after i copied all the nessisary files over. i load a page and my error message is this
Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
but if i switch back to php 5.2.9-2 i dont get that error everything works just fine. any idea whats going wrong?