Posted by:
Heavy Soil
Mchl Wrote:
> ninjab Wrote:
> >
> > And Michl, how do I install the 64bit versions
> of
> > Amp of those?
> Kill me if I know

I never actually tried. It's
> just my educated guess, that on 64bit OS you will
> need 64bit software
Unlike a few other OSes I've worked with, 64bit Windows handles 32bit Windows software very cleanly - it automagically wraps them in an environment to run in called WOW64, and they run fine. Only hardware drivers are distict - they tend to have to be 64bit to work. I have WAMPServer 2 working perfectly on Vista x64 right now, and there's no reason to think it will be any different on Windows 7. I'll be trying it on Windows 7 x64 in the next couple of weeks.
In my experience, UAC and the improved firewall are much more of a hurdle to getting 32bit software running cleanly, but in my book those changes were necessary and positive. There's always been a right configuration in my experience.