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i am hosting my own website for Eve-Online... and i need a killboard, but cant follow the installation instructions as im using wamp...
this is installation instructions, can any1 help?
Quick setup:
- Setup a mysql database
- Run sql/install.sql on that database (Use trimmed_install.sql if you don't want to import the original DB that was populated with pilots, corps, and alliances)
- Extract archive to your webserver's rootdirectory
- Set permissions so that the user your webserver runs under is allowed to create files in cache/map and cache/portraits.
- Enable URL file access in your PHP configuration
- Edit config.php:
o KB_HOST should be set to the FQDN your killboard is at, e.g.
o Leave KB_SITE as it is
o CORP_ID or ALLIANCE_ID should be set to the ID of your corp or alliance.
You can lookup the id in the database tables kb3_corps (crp_id) or
kb3_alliances (all_id). If it's not there yet, just add a new entry in the table and use that id instead. Make sure you set one of the two to 0.
o KB_CACHE can be set to 1 to enable page caching. You probably won't need this for a single hosted killboard. If you do use it, make sure the directory used to store the cached pages in is outside your webroot.
o STYLE_URL, COMMON_URL, IMG_URL need to be set correctly. E.g. [], or []. This goes for the other 2 as well.
o Database credentials go into the DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS variables.
- Remove the sql/ directory from your webroot.
- Have fun
anything is appreciated