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You are probably getting
E_Notice errors. These errors come from small errors like uninitialized variables and a few other problems. WAMP has php set in the php.ini file to not display these errors.
To enable all errors to be shown (
which I recommended for php development) open your php.ini file and find this line:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICTChange this line to this:
error_reporting = E_ALLNow save the file, and restart apache for the new php setting to take effect.
And to make php development way easier, we can tweak the php.ini file to use html error message. These html error messages produce clickable error messages that direct you to the help page at the website that describes in detail your coding error or function that caused the error.
To enable html clickable error messages (
highly recommended for php development) open up your php.ini file again, and find this line (please note that the colon ';' in the line below is not a typo):
;html_errors = OffRemove the colon at the beginning of that line and then change this setting to
On like this (notice that the colon has been removed from the front of this line to enable this setting):
html_errors = OnSave the file again, and restart apache for the new php setting to take effect. Try to access your script again, and if your script is causing an error, all errors will now be displayed.
Post Edited (03-28-06 17:34)
CyberSpatium----------------------WAMP Forum Admin
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