Using Wamp 1.5.0 to run a publicly accessible website with a dynamic IP.
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Okay, I've actually searched the forums a bit for this, and I see this question asked a lot, but not fully answered.
How would I go about setting Wamp v1.5.0 up to run a website that anyone can access (both on and off of my network, as well) from any computer in the world on the internet? In other words, how can I host a website that anyone can access (much like from MY computer, alone?
I used to have my website set up with a different PC, but I felt it was time to switch it over to this PC, because it is the most up to date and it's 10 times faster. I started having a lot of problems with it staying up on my other PC, so I decided it was time to start from scratch on a different PC in hopes of never having these problems anymore.
Anything with a "-" before it is just to let you know it's something that's related to MY computer in the sense that it is what I have set up at the moment...
-I have a dynamic IP address.
-My internet is connected via a router.
-I want to do this through port 81 instead of the standard port 80. I think my ISP might have some restrictions on port 80.
-I own a DNS name with [] (EX: []).
-I own a domain (EX: []) name for my website that already points to this dyndns address. This part is already set up, because I used to run my website on a separate computer with this address WORKING.
-I have Wamp v1.5.0 (Apache v1.3.x, PHP v5.1.1, MySQL v5.0.16, phpmyadmin v2.6.4-pl4, SQLITEmanager v1.1.3) installed on my computer.
I know I'll have to port forward port 81 for Apache. I know I'll need some type of dynamic IP updater (any suggestions?), and I know that I'll need to, obviously, put my website files in the "www" directory on Wamp v1.5.0. Also, I believe there is something I have to change in the registry to allow Apache/PHP to work. Is this true?
Okay. Now that you kind of know my situation, are there any solutions/tutorials on how to this?
Any helpful suggestions, even if it's just to answer one question of that plethora of questions, would be appreciated. :-)