I would check with the UpdraftPlus people.
Does the WAMPServer homepage still run? Assuming you have not copied the WordPress site into \wamp\www
It is normally better to install WordPress sites into a Virtual Host rather than a sub folder of \wamp\www
You will get less problems getting things to run and also copying things back to the live site.
(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>Read The Manuals Apache --
MySQL --
PHP --
phpMyAdminGet your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the
WAMPServer alternate Repo-X-X-X-
Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-