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12 years ago
thank you, seems to be working like a charm
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
will a "normal" uninstall from control panel be enough or do i need to remove something more?
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
yeah... thought that how you updated it but guess not, how do i fix this? preferably without looing my SQL tables and www folders
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
also now im getting: Module mod_ldap missing. Mod_ldap (aka. util_ldap) must be loaded in order for mod_auth_ldap to function properly any idea on how i can stop it from trying to load that module or how to make it work? i cannot uncheck it in wamp since the service is not running EDIT: if # the line in httpd.conf file for apache about that module i get this instead... PHP Warning: PHP
Forum: WampServer English
12 years ago
Hey! I just had to update my wamp server since I suspect the old version was interfering with my SVN server... but after the update all services are running and all but its offline and the "put online" thing I have been reading about is not showing anywhere... and yes i have left clicked the icon
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
no but in the php.ini there are settings for setting the mail function and all i wanna do is to use another mail service i want but then i have to specify to use username and password as well as the SMTP server... and as it is in the php.ini theres no setting for username and password, just mail adress, port and SMTP server.... A own mailserver is not needed...
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
hey, i wanted to set the mail() function up so it works but i need to add SMTP auth and i dont see that option in the php.ini file... what shall i do?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
ok i got it working now exept one thing... it changed my SQL root username... how do i change that in the console?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
if you know what to do tell me how to set it up from the scratch to work considering that my ISP blocked port 80
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
well i allready knew that over the lan i need to specify '' instead of and as i said before diff settings 1 work the other does not
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
i looked more into it now and the min issue is (as it worked before) my ISP seem to have blocked port 80 so im trying to use a port 80 redirect using a no-ip service and on the router i have forwarded both port 80 and the new one to the server but it seems the problem lay in the apache httpd.conf file as with it listening to port 80 it works over the lan and locally but not over internet and with
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
well i want it to be possible to open it over the lan and internet and i got it to work over the internet and lan to show the '' and in that file there it links to some other site as example /cabal/ but that one is not accessible for some reason.. any idea why?
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
I have gotten its to work now that it can connect to hte main index file i got in the main ww dir but when i link form there into a new folder like: mainadress/cabal/ its not working anymore any idea on how i can fix this problem?
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
heh after changing the file from to config.php it worked but adding a new user as you said c2dan does not work and since my other comp sais cant connect to MySQL server on '' (10060) something tells me that the database itself is not available atm over the LAN.... so its a setting in the MySQL somewhere but i dont know anything about that...
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
well i never got phpmyadmin to work since i dont know how to set it up (its failing to connect to the database since it tries to login with no pass while i have a pass EDIT: when i installed i added a password to the root user... also changing the C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.1.3.1/ $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; to the pass i use does not help, it still sais: #1045 -
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
well dont i have to do some settings in the sql to make it possible?
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
how do i make mysql open for LAN network so i can connect to it from my other computer using sqlyog?
Forum: WampServer English
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