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14 years ago
The special structure is really defined on a per site basis, what ever your site is using as a Content Management System will depend on how the directory is meant to be laid out. If you have a zip file or something of that kind, then all you need to do is unzip to the desired 'public' directory. I did not know you where doing this with virtual hosts. Personally, I've never setup virtual hosts
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
Ok, from what I can tell, the error is telling you that the version of the files you have are not of the same build. They need to match to make sure that the functions that are called are in fact there. I don't have a solution for this problem as of right now. But you might want to try a reinstall of your WAMP setup. ---> Below this line you will find my original message, that I've fixed,
Forum: WampServer English
14 years ago
1. The www dir. The WWW folder you see in your wamp dir is in fact what the domain localhost points too. So by making a sub-folder, your in fact making your website operate like this: I understand that's not your desire, so I would recommend that you take all of the contents of and copy them to your www folder. 2. The folders have periods before their names because they
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
Indeed, it would seem the Windows Firewall does not play well with the new version of WAMP. I would of thought that port 80 would of been a standard exception in the Windows OS Firewall. But then I fell that the issue is not with port 80, but with the MySQL Port. I would recommend that the next setup add exceptions to the windows firewall directly so this issue does not propagate. Irregardless
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
Page loading with the current version of WAMP (WAMPSERVER 2.0f [16/12/08]) is spotty at best. It loads one frame of PHPMyAdmin, but not the other without a F5 reload. It loads some images of the website but not others, when you individually load images manually (Right clicking on the item, and then force loading that one image it works.) My OS is Windows XP Pro SP3; WAMP version 2.0f [16/12/0
Forum: WampServer English
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