syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: asmaalabed (
Date: April 22, 2008 07:44PM

Hi I am receiving this message

syntax error, unexpected T_WHILE in C:\wamp\www\Grinding\newpart.php on line 341and another message like syntax error, unexpected T_Varaible..Does T mean something!!

Please,find my code below
thanks for ur help

//this code will allow user to input the case varaible

//connect to the asma database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","asma","halaomar2506"winking smiley
or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("asma",$conn) or die(mysql_error());

if ($_POST[op] != "view"winking smiley {
$get_matgroup="SELECT `material_Group_id` as id, `name`, `mg_index` FROM `material_group` ORDER By `name`";
$get_matgroup_res=mysql_query($get_matgroup)or die(mysql_error());

$get_material="SELECT `material_id`,`name`FROM `material` `name`
order by `name`";
$get_material_res=mysql_query($get_material) or die(mysql_error());

$display_block="<h1>User Input</h1>
<form method=\"POST\" action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">
<P><strong> Material Group</strong>
<select name=\"sel_matgroup\">
<option value=\"\" >..Select One...</option>";

while ($recs=mysql_fetch_array($get_matgroup_res)) {
$id= $recs['id'];

$display_block .= "<option value=\"$id\">
$display_block.= "

<select name=\"sel_material\">
<option value=\"\" >...Select One... </option>";

while ($recs=mysql_fetch_array($get_material_res)) {

$display_block.= "<option value=\"$id\">
$display_block.= "

<input type=\"radio\" name=\"hardness\" value=\"<50RC\" ><50RC<br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"hardness\" value=\"<50-58RC\" >50-58RC<br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"hardness\" value=\">58RC\" >58RC<br>
<P><strong>Sureface Conditions</strong><br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"surfce_cond\" value=\"Rough\" >Rough<br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"surfce_cond\" value=\"Interupted Cut\" >Interupted Cut<br>
<P><strong>Wheel Selection</strong><br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"wheel_sel\" value=\"By System\" checked>By System<br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"wheel_sel\" value=\"By User\" >By User<br>
<P><strong>Wheel Selection By User</strong><br>
<P><strong>Abrasive Type</strong><br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"abrasive_type\" value=\"Aluminum Oxide\" >Aluminum Oxide
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"abrasive_type\" value=\"Silicon Carbide\" >Silicon Carbide
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"abrasive_type\" value=\"CBN\" >CBN<br>
<P><strong>Bond Type</strong><br>
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"bond_type\" value=\"Vitrified\" >Vitrified
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"bond_type\" value=\"Shellac\">Shellac
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"bond_type\" value=\"Resin\">Resin
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"bond_type\" value=\"Rubber\">Rubber
<input type=\"radio\" name=\"bond_type\" value=\"Metal\">Metal<br>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"grits\" size=30><br>
<P><strong>Wheel Diameter</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"w_diameter\" size=30><br>
<P><strong>Speed (mm/s)</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"w_speed\" size=30><br>

<P><strong>Start Diameter (mm)</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"start_diam\" size=30><br>
<P><strong>Finish Diameter (mm)</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"finish_diam\" size=30><br>
<P><strong>Max Roughness Ra(micro meter)</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"roughness\" size=30><br>
<P><strong>Width (mm)</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"width\" size=30><br>
<P><strong>Size Tolerance (micro meter)</strong>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"size_tolerance\" size=30><br>
<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"OK\"></p>
<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Cancel\" value=\"Cancel\"></p>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"view\">
} else if ($_POST[op]=="view"winking smiley {

//check for the required fields
if (($_POST[sel_matgroup]== ""winking smiley && ($_POST[sel_material]== ""winking smiley && ($_POST[hardness]== ""winking smiley && ($_POST[roughness]==""winking smiley && ($_POST[width]== ""winking smiley) {
header ("Location: newpart.php"winking smiley;
//build a select statment to retrieve the related cases accoring to the very important index
//the very important indexes are material group,hardness,wheel bond type,abrasive type and grits

//********************Assign an index of the key features of the cycle specifications*****

//***********************Assign index for material group(primary index) *****

if ($_POST[sel_matgroup]== "Low-C & Alloy Steel"winking smiley {
} else if ($_POST[sel_matgroup]== "High-C & Alloy Steel"winking smiley {
} else if ($_POST[sel_matgroup]== "Tool Steels"winking smiley {

} else if ($_POST[sel_matgroup]== "Cast Iron"winking smiley {
} else {
echo "the material is not available";

//***********************Assign an index for the hardness (primary index)*****************

if ($_POST[hardness]== "<50RC"winking smiley {

}else if ($_POST[hardness]=="<50-58RC"winking smiley{
}else if ($_POST[hardness]==">58RC"winking smiley{
} else{
echo "Hardness value is not accepted";
//*****************************Assign an index for the roughness (primary index*****************

if (($_POST[roughness]>=1.10) && ($_POST[roughness]<= 1.60)){
} else if (($_POST[roughness]>=0.70)&&($_POST[roughness]<= 0.90)){
} else if (($_POST[roughness]>=0.40)&&($_POST[roughness]<= 0.50)){
} else if (($_POST[roughness]>=0.20)&&($_POST[roughness]<= 0.35)){
} else if (($_POST[roughness]>=0.10)&&($_POST[roughness]<= 0.17)){
} else{
echo "the roughness value is not accepted";

//*************** Assign an index for the wheel(primary index)******************

if ($_POST[wheel_sel]=="By User"winking smiley {

// ***** assign an index for the abrasive type********

if ($_POST[abrasive_type]=="Aluminium Oxide"winking smiley {
} else if ($_POST[abrasive_type]=="Silicon Carbide"winking smiley{
}else if ($_POST[abrasive_type]=="CBN"winking smiley{
} else {
// ***************Assign an index for the wheel bond*****
if ($_POST[bond_type]=="Resin"winking smiley{

}else if ($_POST[bond_type]=="Vitrified"winking smiley{

} else if ($_POST[bond_type]=="Metal"winking smiley{

} else if ($_POST[bond_type]=="Rubber"winking smiley{
} else if ($_POST[bond_type]=="Shellac"winking smiley{
} else {
//******************* creste the select statment to retrieve similar cases that have the same primary indexes...
// SQL sstatement is created to look for similare cases where the user input of Material Group and Wheel (type,bond,abrasive,gritsaize,grade)
//are equal the retrieved cases.
//the primary index (material grindability and wheel) are used to determine a set of applicable cases.
//if there is a mismatch in this category a case is rejected.

if ($_POST[wheel_sel]=="By System"winking smiley {

$get_cases= "SELECT *
FROM casesrecord
where matgroup_index= $matgroup_index
and roughness_index= $roughness_index
and hardness_index=$hardness_index";
$get_cases_res= mysql_query ($get_cases) or die (mysql_error());

//We have to make sure that there is at lease one case has got the same primary indexes otherwise the rule based system will be lunched...
//if the SQL statment generated successfully that means there is at least one case
//that met the very important indexes(Material group, grinding type,hardness,wheel type)

if (mysql_num_rows($get_cases_res)<1){
//that means no matced cases. Then the rule base system will be lunced.
echo "the rule based system will be lunched";

//The result for matched cases will be temporarly saved into a TempCases table for further calculations

$insert_into_tempcases= "INSERT INTO tempcases values ($get_cases)";
mysql_query($insert_into_tempcases) or die (mysql_error());

// Since, the applicable cases are found and saved now. the important index will be used to choose the nearest case
//from the applicable cases determined by the very important index.
//the important indexes are material, roughness value, work diameter, wheel diameter, and wheel speed.

//the next step, Calculate the similarity value for retrieved cases to select the case with highest similarirty value.
//Calculate Similarity value

$get_matched_cases= "select * from tempcases ";
$get_matched_cases_res= mysql_query($get_matched_cases) or die(mysql_error());
//go throgh each case to calculate the similarity value

while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($get_matched_cases_res)){

if ($_POST[sel_material]==$matchedmaterial){
$sim_roughness= 1-(($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3)*($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3));

$sim= (1+ ($sim_roughness* 0.6)+ ($sim_work_speed*0.4))/2;

$insert_sim= "INSERT INTO tempcases sim value $sim where case_id=$matchedcase";
mysql_query($insert_sim) or die (mysql_error());

$sim_roughness= (1-(($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3)*($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3));

$sim= ($sim_roughness* 0.6)+ ($sim_work_speed*0.4));

$insert_sim= "INSERT INTO tempcases sim value $sim where case_id=$matchedcase";
mysql_query($insert_sim) or die (mysql_error());




if ($_POST[wheel_sel]=="By User"winking smiley {

$get_cases="SELECT * FROM casesrecord WHERE matgroup_index= $matgroup_index and hardness_index= $hardness_index and roughness_index= $roughness_index and abrasivetype_index= $abrasivetype_index and bondtype_index= $bondtype_index";

get_cases_res= mysql_query($get_cases) or die (mysql_error());

//we have to make sure that there is at least one matched case...

if (mysql_num_rows($get_cases_res)<1){
//that means no matced cases. Then the rule base system will be lunced.
echo "the rule based system will lunched";

//The result for matched cases will be temporarly saved into a TempCases table for further calculations

$insert_into_tempcases= "INSERT INTO tempcases values ($get_cases)";
mysql_query($insert_into_tempcases) or die (mysql_error());

// Since, the applicable cases are found and saved now. the important index will be used to choose the nearest case
//from the applicable cases determined by the very important index.
//the important indexes are material, roughness value, work diameter, wheel diameter, and wheel speed.

//the next step, Calculate the similarity value for retrieved cases to select the case with highest similarirty value.
//Calculate Similarity value

//calculate the similarity value

$get_matched_cases= "select * from tempcases ";
$get_matched_cases_res= mysql_query($get_matched_cases) or die(mysql_error());
//go throgh each case to calculate the similarity value

while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($get_matched_cases_res)){

if ($_POST[sel_material]==$matchedmaterial){
$sim_roughness= 1-(($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3)*($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3));
$sim_wheel_diam= 1-((($_POST[wheel_diameter]-$matchedwheel_speed)/100)*((($_POST[wheel_diameter]-$matchedwheel_speed)/100));

$sim= (1+ ($sim_roughness* 0.6)+ ($sim_work_speed*0.4)+(0.4*$sim_wheel_speed)+(0.4*$sim_wheel_diam))/2.8;

$insert_sim= "INSERT INTO tempcases sim value $sim where case_id=$matchedcase";
mysql_query($insert_sim) or die (mysql_error());

$sim_roughness= (1-(($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3)*($_POST[roughness]-$matchedroughness)/0.3));

$sim= ($sim_roughness* 0.6)+ ($sim_work_speed*0.4)+(0.4*$sim_wheel_speed)+(0.4*$sim_wheel_diam))/1.8;

$insert_sim= "INSERT INTO tempcases sim value $sim where case_id=$matchedcase";
mysql_query($insert_sim) or die (mysql_error());


$get_max_sim="SELECT * from tempcases WHERE sim= (Select Max(sim) FROM tempcases)";

$get_max_sim_res= mysql_query($get_max_sim) or die(mysql_error());
//since the recommended case is found, in most cases the case retrieved will not exactly
//match the problem definition and must be modified.
//for the same material and roughness group, the wheel,fluid and wheel speed need not to
//be changed.
//the most sensetive parameter for surface roughness is dressing lead.
// modify the feedrate,dressing lead, and workspeed values

While ($modify_result = mysql_fetch_array($get_max_sim_res)) {



$reco_feedrate= $_POST[feed_rate]*($_POST[start_diameter]*$max_wheeldiameter)/($_POST[w_speed]*$max_wheelspeed);


$max_eqdiam= (($max_workdiameter*$max_wheeldiameter)/($max_workdiameter+$max_wheeldiameter));

$reco_workspeed= ($_POST[w_speed]*($max_eqdiam*$max_wheelspeed)/($eqdiameter*$_POST[w_speed]));

$insert_temp="INSERT INTO tempcases feed_rate,dressing_lead,work_speed VALUES ($reco_feedrate,$reco_dressinglead,$reco_workspeed) WHERE case_id=$max_caseid";
$insert_temp_res= mysql_query($insert_temp) or die(mysql_error());


//the recommended case is located and modified..
//to display the result
$get_reco="select * from tempcases";
$get_reco_res= mysql_query($get_reco) or die(mysql_error());

$display_block = "<h1>The Recommended Case</h1>";
while ($res_det=mysql_fetch_array($get_reco_res)){


$display_block .= "<li> the case id $caseid <br>
Part number $partid <br>
Machine $machine <br>
Wheel Speed $wheelspeed <br>
Work Speed $workspeed <br>
Roughness $roughness<br>
Feed Rate $feedrate <br>
Coolant $coolant<br>
Material Group $materialgroup <br>
Material $material<br>
Hardness $hardness<br>
Start Diameter $startdiam<br>
Finish Diameter $finishdiam<br>
Width $width<br>
Wheel $wheel<br>
Wheel Diameter $wheeldiam<br>
Equivelent Diameter $eqdiam<br>
Dresser $dresser <br>
Dressing Depth $dressingdepth <br>
Dressing Lead $dressinglead <br>";

//save if the user happy with the result

//delete the records in the temporary table


display_block .= "</u>";



echo "under contruction";


<TITLE>User Input</TITLE>
<?php echo "$display_block;" ?>

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Re: syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: April 22, 2008 07:55PM

can u postup the exact errors please

Steven Martin - []

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Re: syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: yfastud (Moderator)
Date: April 22, 2008 07:58PM

Look like you have unexpected char on line 333

Have fun,

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Re: syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: stevenmartin99 (
Date: April 22, 2008 08:00PM

wow well done yfastud, nice spoting! i bet u play the sniper if u play warrock!

Steven Martin - []

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Re: syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: asmaalabed (
Date: April 23, 2008 01:13AM

Thanks for your help..
Enjoy ur day

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Re: syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: yfastud (Moderator)
Date: April 23, 2008 01:49AM


wow well done yfastud, nice spoting! i bet u play the sniper if u play warrock!
He he... he he... ;-)
What is warrock?

Have fun,

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Re: syntax error!!! HELP
Posted by: Tribune (
Date: April 23, 2008 05:34AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2008 05:42AM by Tribune.

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