GD Library
Posted by: husainsn (
Date: February 11, 2007 03:56AM

Hello every one. I am trying to install GD Library for my Drupal's project. Unfortunately my PHP skills are novice level. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: GD Library
Posted by: CyberSpatium (71.237.217.---)
Date: February 11, 2007 08:16AM

gd2 is built into php, so you dont need to install anything, you just need to enable the gd2 extension in your php.ini file. you can use the wamp tray icon to do that for you.

left click on the wamp tray icon menu -> PHP Settings -> PHP Extensions -> php_gd2

if there is not a triangle next to php_gd2, then click on it to enable it. wamp sill automatcilay restart apache for the new setting to take effect.

run phpinfo() and you see a section for gd2

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Re: GD Library
Posted by: husainsn (
Date: February 11, 2007 02:38PM

Thank you!
It is working wonderfully. Your help is much appreciated.

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