Mediawiki and Wampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: me (193.75.85.---)
Date: January 08, 2007 10:50AM


I am currently trying to setup a wiki using mediawiki 1.8.2 and wampserver 1.6.6 on Windows XP Pro.

It's only supposed to be a demo, so it's not supposed to be accessible to anyone but from this computer, which is why I thought Wampserver would be suited for the task. (Contrary to what my question in this post might have you believe; I have done some reasearch into this winking smiley and read quite a few of the previous posts here).

I've done the vamp-installation... that went without any problems, and to my knowledge it's working.

Now to mediawiki: I downloaded the latest version from their site.... and.... well... I'm defeated.

Could anyone of you point me in the right direction. The installation guides I've found so far for installing mediawiki is only for making it accessible to everyone, or for Unix / linux.

Even better; if anyone could make a short step-by-step checklist for this installation, starting with thet wampserver install.

Thanks for your time in advance,

Post Edited (01-08-07 17:11)

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Re: Mediawiki and Wampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: me (193.75.85.---)
Date: January 08, 2007 11:06AM

This is the guide I started working with:


I've got the mediawiki running.

I'll start the guide myself (and update It whenever i figure something out):

I wanted to start a demo wiki. Here is what I did:

1. Install Wampserver:
No problems here. Download - install (default install).

2. Config php/mysql:
- Added system variables (to PATH and PATHEXT),
- modified some variables in php.ini.

I did this according to the "mediawiki on windows guide", mentioned above.

3. Extract mediawiki-1.8.2.tar.gz to c:\vamp\www\mediawiki\ using winrar.

(I actually didn't do this at first (extracted to c:\mediawiki\)... but later moved the files to the \www folder.)

* Removed * the "Install IIS (Internet Information Services)" and "Configure ISS" steps. Someone with better knowledge of this whispered that ISS was not necessary: See post below.)

4. Configure Mediawiki:
When [localhost] in IE (or any other webbrowser) does not give you the 403 error message any more, you're ready to begin the Mediawiki configuration (Mediawiki will appear in your webbrowser and redirect you to the config part).

Fill in the Mediawiki config-options and press the install button at the bottom of the page.

When I finally managed to fill inn the options correctly it started installing... then complained about not having write permissions. The Mediawiki installation told me to manually copy the displayed code into a file.

Create /mediawiki/LocalSettings.php, and copy the displayed code into this file...

[localhost] now displays my wiki! ...

... although its contents are not as full as the one.

5. Start using your wiki.


Post Edited (01-09-07 12:40)

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Re: Mediawiki and Vampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 08, 2007 02:36PM

Don't know why you install iis when you've already had wampserver because I've installl it w/o iis and in the progress to configure mediawiki as well; will post here when I'm done

Have fun

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[] (testing phpNuke 7.9)
[] (testing phpNuke Platinum 7.6.b.4v2)
[] (testing PostNuke 0.800-MS2)
[] (testing phpNuke Evolution 2.0.1)

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Re: Mediawiki and Wampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: me (193.75.85.---)
Date: January 08, 2007 03:35PM

yfastud wrote:

> Don't know why you install iis when you've already had
> wampserver because I've installl it w/o iis and in the progress
> to configure mediawiki as well; will post here when I'm done

The short answer is: "Because I didn't know I any better" smiling smiley

I have now stopped the IIS service and moved the mediawiki-folder to c:\vamp\www\mediawiki.


(... There is no long answer)

Post Edited (01-08-07 17:12)

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Re: Mediawiki and Wampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: January 09, 2007 12:40AM

So you got it all running as expected, right? I'm finished, too but not really interested to make a subdomain for it yet.


Have fun

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[] (testing phpNuke 7.9)
[] (testing phpNuke Platinum 7.6.b.4v2)
[] (testing PostNuke 0.800-MS2)
[] (testing phpNuke Evolution 2.0.1)

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Re: Mediawiki and Wampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: me (193.75.85.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 12:50PM

So I did. Many thanks for your pointers.

Now a short security question:

If I want to give access to the wiki for other users on the LAN?

I've added: Allow from 127.0.0, Wampserver is still running "Offline"... I know LAN users can access the wiki (I've tried). But will people outside the LAN be able to access it?

Am I coorect to assume that as long as it is in "Offline" mode, and no port forwarding has been done from the router, it is safe?

should I add: Deny from to block the router any access? does it even matter if I did that?


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Re: Mediawiki and Wampserver on Windows XP Pro
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 09, 2007 01:24PM is localhost, so lan can access it but not outsiders no matter in online mode or not, but if you lock (deny) it, nobody can access it.

Have fun

[] (testing web server)
[] (testing codes)
[] (testing phpBB2)
[] (testing phpBB3)
[] (testing mailserver)
[] (testing ftp server)
[] (testing flashes)
[] (testing images)
[] (testing Joomla 1.0.10)
[] (testing phpFusion 6.01.6)
[] (testing phpNuke 7.9)
[] (testing phpNuke Platinum 7.6.b.4v2)
[] (testing PostNuke 0.800-MS2)
[] (testing phpNuke Evolution 2.0.1)

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