Another cant access thread.
Posted by: Godl1ke (
Date: January 05, 2007 12:50PM

Ok firstly, nice software! hope to get it working soon though!
secondly, Hi, im new here but have been reading for a while and I cant seem to find someone with the same problem as I have, help would be greatly appreciated.

basically I have WAMP5 on a freshly-installed XP Home, works good, all services running, online...
I can access the page from localhost on the server, and on another machine in my network using the internal network ip adderss. but when i try the external ip adderss found from i get a login box... no default page or anything.
I have a funny feeling that the loginbox is for my modem...

so heres my setup,
connected to my phoneline i have a DSL modem witch i need! that is connected by ethernet to my router a DLink DI-624+ that in turn is setup with port forwarding for both 80 and 8080 to my server witch is connected through ethernet again to the router.
I have another pc wirelessly connected to the router and the internet witch is the one I am testing it on. another thing is reports different ips for both pcs... so that would have to be the pc-specific ip?

As you can see im in a little bit of trouble. thanks for the help in advance

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Re: Another cant access thread.
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: January 05, 2007 03:47PM


another thing is reports different ips for both pcs...
If it's true, I'm afraid your internet signal already goes through router before coming to your modem. In that case, you might have hard time to setup web server for outside accessible.

when i try the external ip adderss found from i get a login box... no default page or anything.
I have a funny feeling that the loginbox is for my modem...
I don't think it's your modem, but it's router, and might be your isp's router as mentioned above. Anyway, try log-in w/ your info for your router; if not successful, it might be as my guess; if successful, your setup for port forward's not quite correctly.

Hi, im new here but have been reading for a while and I cant seem to find someone with the same problem as I have
Based on your post, suggestion is about the same.
Connect your computer directly to modem, put your server in online mode, enable port 80 in all firewalls, and try again.

Have fun

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Post Edited (01-06-07 22:23)

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