When i try to restart wamp server the following error is occured. Could not load configuration file. (EFOpen ErrorCannot open file D:\wamp\wampserver.ini).Please somebody help me. What should i do now ??? If i reinstalled wamp do i loose the database ???
You never know what would happen, so better back up to somewhere else safe first by either using export through phpmyadmin or using mysql console through tray icon.
once ive tryied to backup MySQL databases by saving the C:\wamp\mysql folder to a floppy drive, but when i put the folder back into the computer and i try to add new data, the database gets a fatal error and it doesnt work. it only happens when i insert new data. if i dont insert new data i can do queries and everything, but i just cannot add new data because it crashes.
i want to design a mysql database backup php script so my clients computers are able to backup their data everyday at a specific time. i tought of a FTP php script that sends the /mysql folder from customers computers to my PC. i would be able to launch at a specific time the PHP backup script via SmartMover, an application by Woodwing I got somewhere around. (;
but exporting through phpmyadmin is not a chron task. i want to schedule that task so it executes automatically. once i googled for that and i found a php script that does that, ill see if im able to find it again.
i guess that was for srikanth418. but thanks anyway! youre not a very friendly person.
ok eliezer, you sound like a nice guy, so I give you a good tip to backup db by saving folder, just check my backup section and you should figure it out.
hey man, i was away from this board because i had a big crash the night before yesterday. i crashed my car into one wood rod (those rods that hold electrical wiring), a metal rod (those used to light the roads) a phone cab and a concrete rod. my car got all destroyed and unusable now but good thing is im not too hurt. just a wound on my cheek and a big pain in the back and neck. but it coulda been worse.
anyway, im downloading right now FTPshell and im about to read the backup section.