network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: miffe (
Date: December 08, 2006 11:27PM

I've got server "A" with WAMP installed with 'root' and 'xyz' as user and pass...

Computers "B", "C" and "D" are on the same network... in "C" I run an excel application that exchanges data with an access database, and I am migrating that DB to mysql on server "A"... I downloaded the's ODBC connector to establish a DSN to be able to connect from one computer on the network to the database on server A.

The server is on, the computer i want to establish the odbc dsn is on The ODBC connector asks for "DSN", "DESCRIPTION", "SERVER", "USER", "PASS", "DATABASE"... so I put the info in.... in server i put localhost (of course this doesnt work because its not on this computer, its on the server, so then I changed it for the IP of the server) I put the user and pass... when pressing database to get the list... it tries to retrieve it using the given information... and it comes up with the error: SQL_ERROR.

I have no bloody idea on what I am doing as you can see tongue sticking out smiley I mean, I know what I want, but I don't know how to get there... Wamp is running on the server and I can see [localhost] on the server, Ive also got a dyndns account and I can see it online... I can also see the webserver on any other machine on the network by typing [] ... but now I need a database connection sad smiley

Of course if I was running a PHP page on the server I would just connect to "localhost" using "root@localhost" as username and the correct password, no problem... but im on another computer on the same network.

Any methods?

Thanks appreciated...

ok man

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: miffe (
Date: December 08, 2006 11:33PM

By the way I do have the server "Put online" and everything seems to be working, this problem is of some other sort.

ok man

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: miffe (
Date: December 09, 2006 12:35AM

any ideas?

ok man

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: Mark Jones (
Date: December 09, 2006 03:50AM

Hi Miffe, do you have any type of firewall software on the PC running MySQL? If so, port 3306 (the default for MySQL anyways) must be open so that another computer can connect to it. Sounds like everything else is right, is it giving you any more error detail other than "SQL_ERROR"? It might help to create a specific user to test with. Open the MySQL console prompt and type "help account management;" to get started. :-)

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: miffe (
Date: December 11, 2006 08:26PM

Actually I dont think it has anything to do with apache as I specified in the thread title, it's more to do with the network... I did open 3306 in the firewall for the server computer running mysql... still doesnt work. Here is a copy of all the details needed to solve this problem , I will be deeple grateful if anyone can help me out:

I'll keep this simple...

1. I have a network connected via a router/hub which has internet access.
The router also has a firewall pre-installed and configurable.

2. I have a server running Wamp (mysql5, php5, apache2)
The IP address of the server is
I have created a test user 'test2' and password 'omblig'
The connection from PhpMyAdmin to the mysql database was successful.
I opened port '80' for apache and port '3306' for mysql on the firewall.

3. I have a client computer on the same network
The IP address for the client is
I want to create a DSN using the ODBC3.51.12 connector in Windows XP home
The connector asks me for 'DSN, Server, User, Password, Database'
The values I loaded where 'Diva,, test2, omblig'...
When pressing 'database' to select, it comes up with 'MYSQL_ERROR'
No other error message is included.
I also tried with localhost as server but it's useless (equiv:
I also tried with usernames 'test2@localhost' and 'ODBC' and 'ODBC@localhost'

Is there any suggestion as what I should do?

The reason I want to create the DSN is that I have already all my database manager created in excel which used to interact with an MS Access database, and I want it to carry on working the same way, just changing one DSN for another and connecting it the same way. With the Access DSN I had it set up over the network fairly simple... but to do this DSN over the network with MySQL things seem a bit more complex.

Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.

PS. The 'server' I am using is just another windows computer with XP Pro, 192 ram, 1.82ghz cpu. Not much, but should do the job.

ok man

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: December 11, 2006 09:21PM

Did you try host name by web ip? If you don't know yours, get your web ip by []

Post Edited (12-11-06 21:51)

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: miffe (
Date: December 11, 2006 09:45PM

port forward? I think that was setup by defautlt... when i open ports to certain pc-s on the network the port forwarding should be automatically setup... but im not sure about the hostname... do you mean... connecting via internet instead of locally?

ok man

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: December 11, 2006 11:15PM


port forward? I think that was setup by defautlt

No, it is not setup by default.


connecting via internet instead of locally?

check more from my old post here, section setup vh for local


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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: miffe (
Date: December 13, 2006 07:20PM

I tried to set up a virtual host for local but this is related to apache....
my doubt is with mysql merely...

I opened 3306 in the firewall for the server running WAMP + mysql5... Wamp's default setup for mysql allows 255 connections and listens on port 3306 so all seems alright...

If I wanted to connect from PHP to mysql on the server, I would just use 'localhost' as the server, and it will connect by default when I try to access it saying I put the php file in the www directory, I would be able to see it from any computer on the network.

My problem is:

What if I want to connect to the mysql server from another pc on the localnetwork, DSN or DSN-less, how can I connect... I obviously can't use localhost because that is the same as ... I tried setting up a VH in Apache with servername 'fogo' and tried using that instead of localhost to connect from another pc... still doesn't work. I tried connecting via my dyndns hostname '' to the mysql, it still doesnt work.. I tried the local IP as the servername, and it didn't work either... All return a "couldn't connect to xxxxxx MySQL SERVER" error.

Suggestions? Please =(
I'm starting to get nagged at work because of my inefficiency.

ok man

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: December 14, 2006 01:09AM

The way you want might be kind of production style which is beyond wampserver's purposes and might be not fully supported here in this forum, but anyway I give you a little "off topic" hint since you have dyndns account but did you setup A record yet?

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: eliezer (
Date: December 16, 2006 08:50PM

If Wamp's architecture is to test PHP+MySQL scripts on local machinnes, then I believe that this issue might be solved by installing Apache and MySQL appart.
If not, it has to be a Networking issue because your host is able to run everything properly, but when you get an access point to try to get to your host, that's when you get the time-out error.
Interesting issue.

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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: December 17, 2006 05:29AM


If Wamp's architecture is to test PHP+MySQL scripts on local machinnes, then I believe that this issue might be solved by installing Apache and MySQL appart.

No, it's not its architecture, but its purposes, that's why we don't want to discuss about global access here; however, you can see all my sites which are running on wampserver 1.6.5 here


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Re: network mysql->apache problem
Posted by: eliezer (
Date: December 17, 2006 05:38AM

Yeah, I get it. It's a pretty clever application.
I mean, it works just great. I also have my sites hosted through a WAMP server. It works fine.
I don't have a DNS but anyway, you can access through this link to my site (while my computer keeps it's current session):

Maybe we should try to expand WAMP purposes so it has an added value. (hell yeah, why not? we want even more added values).


Post Edited (12-17-06 05:55)

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