PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: Passy (
Date: October 20, 2006 04:53PM


If I upload php files from the /www directory
my php code doesn't get compiled.
But all HTML tags of the PHP file are displayed as usual.
Instead of the content of my echo orders, the php code
gets displayed.

I'm using WAMP5 1.6.5 on WinXP and I really need to make
use of my /www directory to test php files when I am offline.

How can I configure WAMP5 to see my php sites in a proper layout?


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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: October 20, 2006 06:46PM

How did you run it? Check my post here:


Hope this help

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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: CyberSpatium (71.237.217.---)
Date: October 20, 2006 08:20PM

make sure apache is running. apache needs to be running to parce the php code. also to see your webpage in your webbrowser, access it using [localhost]

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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: Passy (
Date: October 21, 2006 12:03AM

OK. Apache is running. I allways tried it while Apache was running. @CyberSpatium

@yfastud, thxs for your tutorial at first. I allready have read it before I wrote opened
this topic. But it doesn't heelp me out, yet.

What I do is to store my php files in the /www Folder.
And from that folder I try to load them up in my Browser; hoping
that apache interpretes them.

The most improtant to me is, that I can run my php scripts
while I'm not connected to the internet. So that I don't root
my srcipts over the localhost.

If there is any way that I should try else, then using the /www folder,
please explain it to me. I'm very open for any kind of help.

Thank you

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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: October 21, 2006 01:25AM

So you have your_file.php stored in /wamp/www and access it like this through browser:


If not, post how did you run it? Check my simple php here:



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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: Passy (
Date: October 25, 2006 07:01PM


My problem was that I didn't create a folder inside /www
which is necessary to store own php-files which shall be
interpreted by the wamp apache server.

Thanks for your patience.


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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: October 25, 2006 08:03PM

I did mention in my basic guide, but since you're already here

Create your_new_folder and store in /wamp/www and access your_file.php like this through browser:


Hope this help

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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: damei (
Date: October 25, 2006 09:38PM

could you please send a commented version of the PHP programs?

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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: larshgf (
Date: October 29, 2006 01:21PM

I have exactly the samme problem as Passy. I have installed the newest version of Wamp5 and I have made a sub-folder in "www" to my *.php3 - file. But only the HTML syntex is show correctly in my browser. Instead of the content of my echo orders, the php code gets displayed.
I have just followed the default installation procedure for Wamp5 and I have not made any special correction or changes from that. When I call my php-script I do this in "[localhost];.


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Re: PHP: code not compiled from /www
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: October 29, 2006 01:29PM

To larshgf, check for your answer from the other post.

To damei, php version is 5.1.6 and simple code is here:


Hope this help

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