Hi, Is it possible to use a DNS name runeshq.homedns.org instead of localhost so I can have the page on the internet and not on localhost? Thanks in advance, Jonty
i used to have a standalone apache with the DNS runeshq.homedns.org and it worked fine but I couldnt get MySQL to work so I got WAMP5. How do I change it so WAMP5 will use the DNS Name runeshq.homedns.org? What do I need to change the Apache Config file to? Thanks, Jonty
As said Cyber, you don't have to configure WAMP for that. If your domain name points on your Ip adress then, it will work. Now if you want, you can configure a Virtualhost in Apache, so you will be able to manage multiple domain names. For MySQL, there's really nothing to do.
If you have a dynamic IP, you will need to use a dynamic DNS system like DynDNS.
If you have a router, you will need to confgigure it to redirect the port (like port 80) to accessible from outside your network.