Posted by: Uricta-Wave (---.cable.ubr02.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk)
Date: September 12, 2006 10:27AM

Okay, I run a wamp5 server and it's great. Any ideas how I go about ftp from and to my machine? is this set up through wamp?

<img src="[]; alt="car" width="99" height="80" />

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Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: September 13, 2006 03:15PM

wamp does not come with an ftp server so you would have to install one yourself.

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Posted by: yfastud (---.mia.bellsouth.net)
Date: September 16, 2006 05:03AM

Google for free ftp server; test them out, then select the one you like most, which should at least supports browser, virtual drives, system files hidden. Better if having addition features such as different setup for different folder even in the same account, remote access, so on.

Hope this help

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Posted by: sempu (---.101.am.szczecin.pl)
Date: September 19, 2006 12:41PM

can you tell me what serwer ftp do you used and what is good in your mind?

(lang. english)

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