As a matter of conscience, I completely uninstalled Wampserver, rebooted the machine, installed Wampserver 3.3.7, Mariadb 11.4.4 and PHP 8.4.1.
Then I deleted PHP 8.4.0, of course via right-click Tools, Delete unused versions and quit Wampserver.
I then ran the xDebug 3.4.0 update and started Wampserver.
Left-click -> PHP 8.4.1 -> PHP extensions shows xdebug 3.4.0 unchecked under Zend Extensions.
The folder e:\wamp64\bin\php8.4.1\zend_ext\ contains :
and the procedure Right-Click -> Tools -> Check unused xDebug has to be modified, I grant you, because it doesn't take PHP 8.4.x into account, but that doesn't alter the way Wampserver works.
Documentation Apache -
Documentation PHP -
Documentation MySQL -
Wampserver install files & addons