Hi Otomatic,
Here's how I found out that OpenSSL is included in
1. Go to [
2. On the left menu pane, click on "Downloads" (takes you here: [
3. In the section "Apache 2.4 binaries VS17", look for the subtitle "Apache 2.4.62-240904 Win64" (in green text)
4. Click on the "httpd-2.4.62-240904-win64-VS17.zip " hyperlink to download the package
5. Once you've downloaded the package, extract the files and navigate to ~\httpd-2.4.62-240904-win64-VS17.zip\Apache24\bin
6. look for the openssl.exe
7. right-click on the file > properties > Details - this will show you the "product version" and also "file version" - both are 3.1.7
Hope that helps.