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Hey all,
I just have a question before I go further down the rabbit hole.
Which is, if WAMP supports animated Webp?
I installed it as a PHP extension , following the instructions here:
And it does accept stills (non animated/static webp's) , but when I try to load an animated one I get a file save error... I checked it on a live site (online ) and there it works.
I am getting this error when I run the PHP loaded extensions:
Warning: Version warning: Imagick was compiled against ImageMagick version 1808 but version 1809 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0
But when I go to the Imagick site , I have no clue as to which executable will give me version 1808 (very unclear).
So if anyone else has run into this and has an idea on this, I would be very grateful