PHP 5.6.0 was released on August 28, 2014 and since that date, therefore since the release of Wampserver 3.0.0 in 2015, for all PHP versions of Wampserver the default character set for PHP is utf-8 :
; PHP's default character set is set to UTF-8.
; [php.net]
default_charset = "UTF-8"
and there's no definition of character sets for the mysqli extension in php.ini.
For MySQL, there is also no definition of the character sets to be used in the my.ini file, whatever the MySQL version used.
It's up to the user, i.e. yourself, to check when you change MySQL version that the default character sets used by the new version are the same or compatible with those of the old version.
In the same way, when exporting a database, it's up to you to define in the SQL export file the character set(s) used by the database itself, the tables and the various fields.
If you want to correctly import a database that uses the utf8_turkish_ci character set and collation, it is imperative that this is mentioned in the export file, not only for the database but also for each table. This is managed by the export parameters.
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