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This is the earliest post I can find that mentions a similar problem that I'm having, which is, failing to open a file using an include path of "c:\php5\pear", which is not the include path specified in PHP.INI. Here is an example of the failure which shows the incorrect path reference:
Warning: require_once(System.php): failed to open stream: No such file or direct
ory in C:\wamp\www\peartest.php on line 2
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'System.php' (include_path=
'.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\peartest.php on line 2
I know that System.php is installled with PEAR, I was just using this failure to demonstrate the path problem. The real problem I'm having is that after installing PEAR:
B_DataObject, I can't run the createTables.php script from the command line.
I uninstalled WAMPSERVER, PEAR and all modules, then reinstalled just WAMP, no PEAR.
Using this test script:
echo "ini_get('include_path')=".ini_get('include_path');
which I have called PHPTEST.PHP and copied into C:\WAMP\WWW, I get the following output:
from web browser(http://localhost/phptest.php):
from command promt(c:\wamp\www>php phptest.php):
I have searched registry values, environment settings, and all files that were installed by WAMP, but I can't find a reference to "php5\pear". My C:\WAMP\APACHE2\BIN\PHP.INI (which is the only PHP.INI file on my machine) has the following setting:
I am certain the the "register_globals" and "short_open_tag" INI settings (both are not recommended to use) are not part of the problem. This is not a production machine, just trying to setup a PHP development environment on my laptop.
Has anyone had this problem and resolved it?
Thanks for any help,