The problem is to use the same database, thus to have modified beforehand "'datadir=xxx" in all the my.ini versions of MariaDB.
See item : - 9 - MySQL/MariaDB - Moving Databases - MySQL upgrade
Wampserver 3 - Some explanationsInstalling several versions of MariaDB running at the same time is not impossible, but it is a feat!
- Create as many different services as there are versions of MariaDB
- Each version must use a different port which requires modifying the my.ini files of each version.
- Modify the connection scripts to add the desired port.
etc. -> All that I did not think of!
In short, a gas factory source of big problems
Documentation Apache -
Documentation PHP -
Documentation MySQL -
Wampserver install files & addonsEdited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2023 04:27PM by Otomatic.