multiple mariadb instances?
Posted by: webmasterinnj (
Date: February 17, 2023 02:32PM

hello smiling smiley
i am wanting to test an app for compatibility with newer mariadb versions,is it possible to install the new mariadb version while using my current mariadb version without having to make the switch in the aetraymenu settings?


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Re: multiple mariadb instances?
Posted by: RiggsFolly (Moderator)
Date: February 17, 2023 02:36PM

Yes you could but WHY?

You can only do one thing at a time, so work on one site then the other.

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

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Re: multiple mariadb instances?
Posted by: webmasterinnj (
Date: February 17, 2023 02:39PM

i only have one site at the moment,i use mariadb 10.4 series and wanted to test a diff app on a non visible part of my website possibly using a temporary port for the new mariadb version,as my 10.4 uses port 3306 as the default just not very sure how to do this.


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Re: multiple mariadb instances?
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: February 17, 2023 04:10PM

The problem is to use the same database, thus to have modified beforehand "'datadir=xxx" in all the my.ini versions of MariaDB.

See item : - 9 - MySQL/MariaDB - Moving Databases - MySQL upgrade
of Wampserver 3 - Some explanations

Installing several versions of MariaDB running at the same time is not impossible, but it is a feat!

- Create as many different services as there are versions of MariaDB

- Each version must use a different port which requires modifying the my.ini files of each version.

- Modify the connection scripts to add the desired port.

etc. -> All that I did not think of!

In short, a gas factory source of big problems

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2023 04:27PM by Otomatic.

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