No Default DBMS
Posted by: codeslayer2010 (
Date: October 08, 2021 03:25PM

Wampserver is installed on my Windows 10 machine and suddenly, at the bottom it says "***No Default DBMS***" with a red caution triangle (as in the screenshot below). In the same left-click window you can clearly see that MySQL is installed and selected as the default.

In my research I read some bits about changing the port, but that doesn't seem to be relevant to my situation. The "W" in the system tray is green and all services (apache, php, and mysql) are started.

***What is going on here? Why is this message appearing all of a sudden and none of my virtual hosts are working?*** Phpinfo() page is working fine, so I know that php, mysql, and apache are all working.


Following are specs and answers to question I suspect you might ask for clarity.

- Windows 10 Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042
- Wampserver 3.2.5 - 64 bit
- MySQL 5.7.14
- PHP 7.0.10
- phpMyAdmin 4.6.4
- "W" indicator is GREEN

I discovered "Create Wampserver Configuration Report" in TOOLS menu and generated the report.

After the part about virtual hosts I see this:

Neither MariaDB nor MySQL is configured as the default SGDB.
See Right-Click -> Help -> MariaDB - MySQL
--------- wampmanager.ini (Last 4 lines) --------
AeTrayMode=64 Bits

It seems like it may hold the key, but I'm unsure what it means exactly, or precisely what to do next.

How can I fix this issue?

Eric "CodeSlayer" Hepperle, Web Developer & WAMPServer enthusiast

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Re: No Default DBMS
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: October 08, 2021 05:23PM


> See Right-Click -> Help -> MariaDB - MySQL

Did you read this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ?

> Neither MariaDB nor MySQL is configured as the default SGDB.

That is to say: Neither MariaDB nor MySQL use the port 3306

- 1 - Right-Click -> Tools -> Empty logs -> Empty all log files -> Y then Enter

- 2 - Right-Click -> Refresh

> AeTrayVersion=
Please update to
It is mandatory to update via the installer: Install Aestran Tray Menu

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: No Default DBMS
Posted by: codeslayer2010 (
Date: October 11, 2021 01:37PM

@Otomatic Thanks for your reply. I wasn't sure what parts of Wampserver might become corrupted or unusable if I started messing around with port assignment, so I was hesitant. But, when I changed the MySQL port from 3308 to 3306 everything (MySQL) finally worked, phpMyAdmin finally let me log in, the default DBMS error finally went away, and "Default DBMS" is now showing as "mysql". I am able to use Wampserver once again.

While I appreciate your response, my challenge was in the "explanation" of why the port needed to be changed: it was mostly non-existent and perhaps too "high level" (lacking in detailed step-by-step explanation, elucidation, and expounding on why you should, what happens if you don't, etc.) for my understanding/learning style.

I thought it was `optional` to use port 3306? In other words, if you had some other program that was already using 3306, don't most programs that use port assignment allow you to choose a different port? I know that's how most P2P filesharing programs I used to use worked.

For reference, I am a 20-year veteran web developer, but network programming and server admin are not my forte. My knowledge of those topics are surface-level and very cursory.

Eric "CodeSlayer" Hepperle, Web Developer & WAMPServer enthusiast

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Re: No Default DBMS
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: October 11, 2021 04:32PM


As explained in Right-Click -> Help -> MariaDB - MySQL:

Since the dawn of time, i.e. since MySQL can be used via PHP, the "default" port that will be taken by MySQL will always be port 3306. This is defined, since the dawn of time, by PHP in the php.ini file as mysqli.default_port = 3306.

Default port means that if you don't specify a port number when calling the MySQL connection function, port 3306 will always be used.

The information "No Default DBMS" is there to tell you that no DBMS uses port 3306.

If, when installing Wampserver, you had a program that used port 3306, there would have been no port change for MySQL, but the wampmysqld or wampmysqld64 service would not have been able to start until the port change manually.

> my challenge was in the "explanation" of why the port needed to be changed
Because almost all PHP scripts, CMS and web applications never specify the port number in the MySQL connection procedures, which leads to connection failures and/or errors that may be incomprehensible because the port used is not the default port.

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