Made Imagick installation under PHP 7.3.27 64bit (Wampserver 64bit 3.2.5)
(I put the real names of the folders that I created)
So to modify according to your version of PHP 7.3 or 7.4 and the folders of installation of Wampserver.
Wampserver must be stopped.
- 0 - First you have to download the zip file containing all the files needed for Imagick.
It must be a TS (Thread Safe) version indicated by -ts- in the file name and correspond to your PHP version 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4) as well as 32 or 64 bit.
The different zip files for Imagick 3.4.4 are on :
https://pecl.php.net/package/imagick/3.4.4/windowsFor PHP 7.3 32 bit it will be the file :
https://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/imagick/3.4.4/php_imagick-3.4.4-7.3-ts-vc15-x86.zipFor PHP 7.3 64 bit it will be the file :
https://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/imagick/3.4.4/php_imagick-3.4.4-7.3-ts-vc15-x64.zip-1- Unzip php_imagick-3.4.4-7.3-ts-vc15-x64.zip in a temporary folder, for example :
-2- Create a folder, for example e:\imagick\
-3- From the -1- folder, copy all the CORE_RL and IM_MOD_RL files into the -2- folder
-3.1- From the -1 folder, copy the file php_imagick.dll into the folder e:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.27\ext
-4- Windows Settings (Right-click on the Start menu then click on the wheel)
-4.1- System
-4.2- About
-4.3- Advanced system settings
-4.4- Environment variables
-4.5- System variables -> Path -> Edit
-4.6- New -> type "e:\imagick\" -> OK (Without quotes)
Note: Put the name of the folder -2- that you created.
-4.7- OK, OK then close the Settings page
-5- Edit the file E:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.27\phpForApache.ini
Under the line:
Save the modified file.
-6- Launch Wampserver
-7- Left-click Wampmanager icon -> PHP -> PHP Extensions -> imagick
to validate the extension that will be checked.
Check that there is no error in the php_error.log file
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Wampserver install files & addonsEdited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2021 10:41AM by Otomatic.