I have come across WAMP just recently and like it very much so. Has anyone seen WAMP run from a flash card? I would like to use WAMP as a portable web server but not sure if this is possible or what would be needed to be done.
I have already attempted the obvious and installed it to my flash card and tried to bring it to other machines to see if it work. Of course it did not.
I would assume why this does not work because the Drive Letter varies when switching to computers.
wamp installs apache,mysql, and php. it also installs the wamp trey icon and some programs. so, any other computer you use your flash drive on does not have the wamp files installed, so it will not work. you can use your flash drive and make apache, mysql, and php portable if you instll them by yourself, and not use the wamp installer. you will have to start apache and mysql with a command line though.