RiggsFolly Wrote:
> Ok, can we know the domain, and then see your
> VHOST definitions please.
It's nigh on 10yrs since you and steve fixed my install,so I'll try n get ya up to speed.
Needed php4 to keep running some older software so I have 2 apache's,2.0.63 and 2.2.22,one with php4
also 2 php's,5.3.4 and 5.4.3
mysql is 5.5.24
New domain name is teamagoo.uk
So my vhost looks like this although I don't think it's used as it's in 2.2.22 and 2.0.63 is active.
Plus it wasn't changed when I was running it last time,only just changed it now.
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.teamagoo.uk
ServerAlias teamagoo.uk
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/teamagoo
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/teamagoo/logs/error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/teamagoo/logs/access.log common
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/logs/error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/logs/access.log common
This is the old one,I only used to run the 1 website but then needed the php4 stuff.
Steve made magic again and stuffed it all in one place,made files cross reference or something etc
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.stimulatedgaming.com
ServerAlias stimulatedgaming.com
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/logs/error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/logs/access.log common
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName stimulatedgaming.com/Forum
ServerAlias Forum
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/Forum
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/logs/error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/logs/access.log common
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/logs/error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/logs/access.log common
my httpd looks like this and is in the active 2.0.63,mostly because that's how you said it should be back then

Gaming stuff I had back then and are starting back up now needed to 'think' it was in the root directory www folder.
I think the 1st lines are your magicery to make that work but it all worked back then.
This is basically the same wamp folder from back then....
this is original from back then,I just deleted dead domains and changed one to my new one.
Essentially I'm resurrecting stg2142.com but now its called teamagoo.uk
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www"
ServerName localhost
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/logs/error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/logs/access.log common
<Directory "c:/wamp/www">
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming"
ServerName www.stimulatedgaming.com
ServerAlias stimulatedgaming.com *.stimulatedgaming.com
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/logs/sTG_error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/logs/sTG_access.log common
<Directory "c:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming">
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/Forum"
ServerName www.stimulatedgaming.com/Forum
ServerAlias stimulatedgaming.com/Forum *.stimulatedgaming.com/Forum
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/Forum/logs/sTG_Forum_error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/Forum/logs/sTG_Forum_access.log common
<Directory "c:/wamp/www/stimulatedgaming/Forum">
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/stg2142"
ServerName www.stg2142.com
ServerAlias stg2142.com *.stg2142.com
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/stg2142/logs/stg2142_error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/stg2142/logs/stg2142_access.log common
<Directory "c:/wamp/www/stg2142">
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/raob-grasmere"
ServerName www.raob-grasmere.org.uk
ServerAlias raob-grasmere.org.uk *.raob-grasmere.org.uk
ErrorLog C:/wamp/www/raob-grasmere/logs/raob-grasmere_error.log
CustomLog C:/wamp/www/raob-grasmere/logs/raob-grasmere_access.log common
<Directory "c:/wamp/www/raob-grasmere">
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Include "c:/wamp/alias/*"
I did try xampp just before and it worked,just would rather use wamp as more familiar with it.
my wamp is v 2.2
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2020 07:55PM by sTimulated.