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The only way you can run Apache and Skype at the same time is to make Apache listen on a different port. Skype only works on port 80. That is the same port web servers (Apache, IIS, etc) use. I am not sure why the creators of Skype chose to use port 80 for their program, when they have thousands of ports to choose from.
You can make apache listen to a different port by editing the listen directive in the httpd.conf. Other default web server ports are 81 and 8080. You can make Apache listen to port 81, port 8080, or both. Open your httpd.conf and find:
Listen 80
To make Apache listen to port 81, change that line to this:
Listen 81
To make apache listen to port 8080, change it to this:
Listen 8080
To make apache listen both 81 and 8080 use:
Listen 81
Listen 8080
Also take note, since you are not using the default port 80 anymore, you will now have to add the correct port to use to end of the url to access your webpage.
If you changed to port 81, then use:
If you changed to port 8080 then use:
After you have finished editing your httpd.conf file, save it, and restart Apache for the new settings to take effect.
Post Edited (04-24-06 13:25)
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