You must make the change in the wampmanager.conf file, save the modified file, then either restart Wampserver or perform:
- Right-Click Wampmanager tray icon -> Refresh
Example of wampmanager.conf modified file
;Path of the Browser used by Wampserver
;May be modfied with the absolute path of the browser exe file
;(Use / instead of \)
navigator = "J:/Com/Net/Firefox/firefox.exe"
> I am not using MariDB.
In this case, you can disable MariaDB completely:
Right-Click Wampmanager tray icon -> Wamp Settings -> Allow MariaDB (to uncheck)
It will always be possible to do the opposite later if you want.
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Wampserver install files & addonsEdited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2018 06:21PM by Otomatic.