How do I change the default browser for WAMPServer
Posted by: DJMarvin54 (
Date: September 08, 2018 05:46PM

I am running Windows 10 Pro 64bit, WampServer Version 3.1.3 64bit, Apache 4.4.3. PHP 5.6.35, MySQL 5.7.21. I am not using MariDB.

WampServer icon is green.

I am somewhat new to WAMP and WordPress and set up WampServer on my PC being careful to follow all the prerequisites concerning the different VC++ redistributables, etc. WampServer runs beautifully. I successfully set up localhost and created some virtual hosts to start working with and learning WordPress before going to my hosted site.

When I set up WampServer, I accepted the default browser (IE). This has proven to be a poor decision as I am having issues with the WordPress theme and related tools. The source of the issue appears to be IE and this means I need to change the default browser to Chrome or Firefox.

I found some information doing an search on the internet but nothing here. I believe the information I found is incomplete. What I found told me to make this change in wampmanager.conf and provided the location. I made the change without breaking WampServer but WordPress doesn't open so I changed it back.

Is there another file I have to edit as well?

I apologize if the answer is already on the forum but I tried every search option I could think of and didn't get any information.

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Re: How do I change the default browser for WAMPServer
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: September 08, 2018 06:07PM


You must make the change in the wampmanager.conf file, save the modified file, then either restart Wampserver or perform:
- Right-Click Wampmanager tray icon -> Refresh

Example of wampmanager.conf modified file
;Path of the Browser used by Wampserver
;May be modfied with the absolute path of the browser exe file
;(Use / instead of \)
navigator = "J:/Com/Net/Firefox/firefox.exe"

> I am not using MariDB.
In this case, you can disable MariaDB completely:
Right-Click Wampmanager tray icon -> Wamp Settings -> Allow MariaDB (to uncheck)

It will always be possible to do the opposite later if you want.

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2018 06:21PM by Otomatic.

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Re: How do I change the default browser for WAMPServer
Posted by: DJMarvin54 (
Date: October 29, 2018 04:25AM

I haven't been on top of my question but thought I should add that the issue was not WampServer but the fact that I used .dev as the extension for my site and neither Chrome nor Firefox like this without using the secure "https".

So now I have a new question that I can't find an answer to. (Has to be my search terms???) How do I delete a virtual host? I want to start over and have backed up and then deleted the database in PHPMyAdmin. I then went to Virtual Host Management and can't figure out how to delete the virtual host there.

Is it as simple as editing "c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.27/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf"?

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Re: How do I change the default browser for WAMPServer
Posted by: DJMarvin54 (
Date: October 29, 2018 04:31AM

Answered my own question - after I did the database stuff I edited the httpd-vhosts.conf file and voila - the virtual host is gone. (I exited WAMP) before doing this. When I restarted WAMP Server all was as I'd hoped.

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