Class 'SPAW_Wysiwyg' not found in
Posted by:
Date: March 22, 2006 08:24PM
Hi there..
I dont know if any of you had this problem
Before i installed WAMP5 my SPAW Wysiwyg used to work .. and if i copy it to my hosting server remotly it works.....
But it does not work on my local host where WAMP5 is installed.. is there anything i have to set in the php.ini file for this to work..
Or any other setting im WAMP5 that i need to consider changing for SPAW to work,,,,
the only thing why i say it cant be broken is because if i do copy the files to my hosting space it works ( with the paths changed )
on local server
Fatal error: Class 'SPAW_Wysiwyg' not found in C:\wamp\www\test\test.php on line 113
any ideas why???