Working with iis
Posted by: tjshin (
Date: March 11, 2006 09:35PM


I have a windows xp with iis installed. I was wondering if WAMP5 can work on iis. What I meant was if I can run the php from inetpub wwwroot (http://localhost). Because I am running applications using ASP and under inetpub and I also want to run php applications as well. When I tried to install WAMP, it installed into different directory and I had different 'localhost' is running. I want to just have one 'localhost' from inetput to run asp and php. Will this be possible?

Big thanks in advance.

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Re: Working with iis
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: March 12, 2006 04:02PM

apache and iis use the same port, so only one can be running at the same time. you can change the ports they use so they can work together. so, if you change apache to use port 81, then you will access it using [localhost]

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