I have set up Wamp5 successfully. I have created a database named "sxoleio". (host=localhost, user=root, NO pass). It lies into the path c:/wamp/mysql/data/sxoleio.
I made a project with forms in PHP for searching into the database. It lies into the path c:/wamp/www/ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΒΔ 2005 - 2006/
MY PROBLEM IS THAT : Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Failed opening 'C:\wamp\www\ΞΞ΅ΞΞΣΤΞΞ΅ΞΞ ΞΞ 2005 - 2006\ΞΞΞΞ ΞΞ¦ΞΞ£_ΞΞΞΞΞΞ¤ΞΞ£Ξ\ANAZITISI_MATHITIS.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in Unknown on line 0
In what folder must I put the files of my database "sxoleio" in order to connect to it?
1.) First, you said you created the DB sxoleio, is this a SQLite DB, or a MySQL DB? You dont need to know about the path of the DB (c:/wamp/mysql/data/sxoleio) for MySQL DB's.
2.) The super glogal $HTTP_POST_VARS is old school. Because of regiser global issues in older versions of php, $HTTP_POST_VARS was depreciated. Use the newer and safer super global:
3.) According to the errors you are getting, you are not using the right path to inclue your files. For example I put all my php functions in a file called functions.inc.php, and I put them in this folder: c:wamp\www\includes\functions\functions.inc.php