Too many messages with too much text
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 20, 2016 09:59AM


I have a headache, there are too many messages with lots of text.
In addition, RiggsFolly is on vacation.
I'm overwhelmed, I'm sorry not to respond.

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Re: Too many messages with too much text
Posted by: SimonT (
Date: June 20, 2016 11:53PM

Otomatic - no need to apologize, for reply delays your use of English, or anything.

No one should expect instant replies.

As to the English - as I've told people, your English beats my French completely.

I can say Hi but I can't spell it in French.

If I could be of any help tidying up documentation, web pages, etc in English, let me know. I'd be more than happy to take a look at things and point out where something might have been lost in the translation.

I've looked at the French forum and maybe I can figure out 3 or 4 words in a post, but that's all.

Again - If I can be of any help with the translations, let me know.

I'm going to send this same message to you as PM. I'll give you a better email than the one I registered with if you want to email me or we can just use PMs.

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