Before I go any futhere, I'd like to go back to you original question, you said you were getting the error message:
"You don't have permission to access /test on this server."
Exactly what are you entering in the browser address bar?
When I have seen that message about permission, it is when I enter a URL for a directory on a server in which there is no default file - index.html, index.htm, index.php, etc.
The server is telling you that it is configured to NOT provide directory listings of web site directories. If there is not default file, and a file name is not specified in the URL, it assumes you want a listing of the directory contents and forbids it.
Go to []
You will get the same sort of error but for just the / directory. That is a site I'm working on, the domain exists, points to the correct location on the hosting server, but I am testing things under a sub diredtory and the root directory is empty - there is no default file in the directory.
Just to double check - is there a default file in that /test directory? Is there an index.html or default.html or one of the names this page -> [] page speaks of?
It would appear that the /test directory exists, but is there a default file in it? Again, what are you entering in to the browser address bar?
Just a thought -
=== Now on to my response to your latest reply:
What do you mean when you say:
"After I followed that guide, I couldn't even go onto the website on the host computer."
I assume "host" computer refers to the computer on which WAMP is installed - correct?
What steps of the "guide" did you perform? If you are running WAMP 3, did you use the instructions in the post Otomatic pointed you to - []
Did you make the changes manually?
You say you can't you can go onto the website on the host computer- what happens when you try?
Please give details when you say something like that, none of us are psychics and there are far too many possible errors and messages from any action on a computer for us to guess what is happening.
Exactly what happens when you try to go to the site on your via your local computer?
A virtual host is the preferred way to access a web site under WAMP on a local machine and I suspect, but can't confirm, that it may be the only way to access a WAMP hosted site on another computer.
If you are running WAMP 3, you can make a virtual host very easily. Go to this post and read it []
Here are the steps described differently:
1 - You must know the complete path to the web site. If it is stored under say, C:\wamp\www\mywebsite - that is the complete path, the path you would use to access the site's file via, for example, Windows Explorer.
2 - You must choose a virtual site name - like
3 - Left click the WAMP icon in the Windows system tray (the right hand side of the Windows taskbar).
4 - Click Localhost in the menu that appears which you click the WAMP icon.
5 - The "Localhost" (I think of it as the WAMP local "home" page) page will be opened in your browser.
6 - On the left hand side, almost at the bottom, you will find a section titled "Tools", under that will be a link titled "Add a Virtual Host" - click that link.
7 - The "Add a VirtualHost" page will open. There are two text boxes on the window which you must fill in correctly.
8 - The first one is where you put the name of the virtual host, the "domain name" if you like. If you want to be able to enter in the browser address bar to get to your site, then type into the box on the Add VirutalHost window.
9 - The second text box is where you put the full path to the web site. Enter it as I discussed in step #1
10 - Click the very wide button labeled "Start the creation of the VirtualHost (May take a while...)" , located at the lower right hand corner of the Add Virtualhost window and wait.
11 - If the virtual host is successful a new window will open telling that and telling you that you need to restart the DNS. Do so by right clicking the WAMP icon, click Tools, and then Click Restart DNS -- it is the topmost menu item. Wait for the WAMP icon to go to red, then orange, and back to green and your virtual host should be ready for use.
If the vitural host is not successfully created, I assume some message will be displayed - I don't know because the operation has never failed the several times I've used it.
Once the virtual host is created, you can go to the site by typing, using the example, OR you can go there via the WAMP icon - left click the icon, click Your Virtualhosts and then click the one you want to access.
******************* REMEMBER - the "automated" method of creating virtual hosts is ONLY available on WAMP 3 or higher.
If you are running an older version, I strongly suggest you consider install in WAMP 3. As I understand it, you have to uninstalled earlier versions before installing version 3 but I've installed 3 on this system to start with.
If you have to un-install the older version, it would follow that you must backup your web site files (if they are in a directory under the WAMP root) and export your databases using phpMyAdmin so that you can import them into the new WAMP 3 installed MySQL = these backups must, of course, be made before you un-install the current WAMP installation.
There may be other necessary steps to move from an older version of WAMP to the current version but I'm not sure - you need to check carefully before un-installling the old version and then be careful when installing the new version.
************** If you manually edited the virutal hosts file to create a virtual host - you will have to wait for Otomatic to look at the filies you uploaded to [] and reply to you.
I don't know enough about the manual creation method to be of any assistance to you.
********************** Regarding accessing a WAMP hosted site on a different computer on a network.
Let's say that WAMP and the site you want to access are on a computer named A and is on a network on which there is a computer named B.
If you want to access a WAMP hosted web site which resides on A from comptur B, the DNS that the Internet browser on B uses would have to have an entry for the site hosted on A.
Without that, how would the browser on A be able to get the IP address and thus send a request to the proper server - in this case, on A?
I do not know enough about the DNS matters to now exactly what would need to be done to setup a DNS for the site on computer B to offer any suggestions.
You can, of course, can go to a web site, on the internet, via it's IP address, but what would be the IP address of a site hosted on a WAMP server??
The DNS is used by the browser to get the IP address because in the final analysis the IP address of the site (not just the server) must be known to access files at that web site on computer A.
I don't know enough to be able to take those thoughts beyond the conjecture stage - sorry.
I do know, however, that computer B's browser has to get the IP address of the web site hosted on computer A in order to access that web site - whether by the user entering an IP or by the user entering a URL and the browser using a DNS request to get the IP address.