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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 16, 2016 03:28PM

Otomatic Wrote:
> Hi,

*** ERROR *** The PHP configuration loaded
> file is: - should be:
> H:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.18/bin/php.ini or
> h:/wamp/bin/php/php5.6.19/phpforapache.ini
> - Wampserver 3.0.4
> Right-Click Wampmanager tray icon -> Refresh
> - Wampserver 3.0.0 to 3.0.3
> Wampmanager tray icon -> Apache -> Version ->
> 2.4.18 (Click on 2.4.18)
> Wampmanager tray icon -> PHP -> version -> 5.6.19
> (Click on 5.6.19)

Right click and left click on wamp icon both dont work.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 16, 2016 04:56PM


> Right click and left click on wamp icon both dont work.
I'm afraid to misunderstand!
- [ ] - Symbolic links are not created
- [ ] - No action is possible on the Wampmanager tray icon.
Check the right answer.

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 16, 2016 05:27PM

Otomatic Wrote:
> Hi,
> > Right click and left click on wamp icon both
> dont work.
> I'm afraid to misunderstand!
> - [? ] - Symbolic links are not created
> - [x ] - No action is possible on the Wampmanager
> tray icon.
> Check the right answer.

I didnt really know what symlinks are imho, I briefly read some internet sites about it. Can I control if the SYMLINKS are built?

Clicking on the wampmanager tray icon results in no action. Icon is green but I see no response besides that hovering shows a message sounding: WAMPSERVER - All services running - server Offline.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 16, 2016 06:51PM


> Can I control if the SYMLINKS are built?
In a command windows open on wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin\ type
dir /al
and you'll see aonly the SYMLINKS
 Répertoire de J:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin

16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      icudt56.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/icudt56.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      icuin56.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/icuin56.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      icuio56.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/icuio56.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      icule56.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/icule56.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      icuuc56.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/icuuc56.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      libeay32.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/libeay32.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      libpq.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/libpq.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      libsasl.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/libsasl.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      libssh2.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/libssh2.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      php.ini [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/phpForApache.ini]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      php7ts.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/php7ts.dll]
16/06/2016  18:44    <SYMLINK>      ssleay32.dll [J:/wamp/bin/php/php7.0.0/ssleay32.dll]
              12 fichier(s)                0 octets
               0 Rép(s)  236 023 894 016 octets libres


> Clicking on the wampmanager tray icon results in no action.
Are you sure that the Shortcut used to run Wampserver has "Run as an administrator" ?
- Right-Click on the shortcut, Properties, Shortcut tab, Advanced button
- Check Run as an administrator, OK, Apply, OK

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 17, 2016 11:07AM

I dont see symlinks.

This is my command shell output for dir /al and also for just dir

H:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin>dir /al
Volume in drive H is WAMP
Volume Serial Number is C64F-CE43

Directory of H:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin

File Not Found

Volume in drive H is WAMP
Volume Serial Number is C64F-CE43

Directory of H:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin

15-06-2016 18:17 <DIR> .
15-06-2016 18:17 <DIR> ..
09-12-2015 10:11 87.040 ab.exe
09-12-2015 10:16 92.160 abs.exe
09-12-2015 10:11 38.912 ApacheMonitor.exe
09-12-2015 10:10 16.384 apr_crypto_openssl-1.dll
09-12-2015 10:12 24.576 apr_dbd_odbc-1.dll
09-12-2015 10:11 13.312 apr_ldap-1.dll
09-12-2015 10:18 9.192
09-12-2015 10:11 85.504 htcacheclean.exe
09-12-2015 10:11 101.888 htdbm.exe
09-12-2015 10:11 69.632 htdigest.exe
09-12-2015 10:11 97.280 htpasswd.exe
09-12-2015 10:19 26.112 httpd.exe
09-12-2015 10:11 54.784 httxt2dbm.exe
25-11-2015 19:17 25.337.856 icudt54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 1.658.880 icuin54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 41.984 icuio54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 214.528 icule54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 41.984 iculx54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 56.320 icutest54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 162.304 icutu54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 1.153.024 icuuc54.dll
09-12-2015 10:17 155.648 libapr-1.dll
09-12-2015 10:17 29.696 libapriconv-1.dll
09-12-2015 10:17 209.408 libaprutil-1.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 1.300.480 libeay32.dll
09-12-2015 10:17 345.088 libhttpd.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 129.536 libpq.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 214.528 libsasl.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 166.912 libssh2.dll
03-12-2015 10:21 1.034.752 libxml2.dll
09-12-2015 10:11 48.128 logresolve.exe
10-12-2015 10:38 147.968 lua52.dll
02-12-2015 10:41 133.120 nghttp2.dll
03-12-2015 19:20 447.488 openssl.exe
03-12-2015 10:19 411.648 pcre.dll
25-11-2015 19:16 7.062.528 php5ts.dll
09-12-2015 10:11 65.536 rotatelogs.exe
25-11-2015 19:17 276.992 ssleay32.dll
09-12-2015 10:11 16.384 wintty.exe
03-12-2015 10:30 72.192 zlib1.dll
15-06-2016 18:18 <DIR> iconv
40 File(s) 41.651.688 bytes
3 Dir(s) 5.697.490.944 bytes free


concerning the rigt click on the desktop and then admin. I ALWAYS do that.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 17, 2016 04:12PM

I managed to download the last package, I had to disable Kaspersky antivirus, but it did not result in a change of the problems.

Actually the problems I'm having now with this install are partially the same as with the former install.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 17, 2016 05:17PM



25-11-2015 19:17 25.337.856 icudt54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 1.658.880 icuin54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 41.984 icuio54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 214.528 icule54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 41.984 iculx54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 56.320 icutest54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 162.304 icutu54.dll
25-11-2015 19:17 1.153.024 icuuc54.dll
This is the original files from the installation of PHP 5.6.19 while it should be symbolic links pointing to the same files in wamp/bin/php/php5.6.19/
Moreover, there is no file "php.ini" which means creating the symbolic link during installation failed.

Must check if your system is capable of creating symbolic links.
Open a command window (As an administrator) on the folder: H:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin then do create a symbolic link with the command:
mklink php.ini h:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.19\phpForApache.ini
You must obtain a result similar to this (Sorry, my Windows is in French and I use drive Jsmiling smiley:
J:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin>mklink php.ini j:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.19\phpForApache.ini
Lien symbolique créé pour php.ini <<===>> j:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.19\phpForApache.ini

Then type dir/al

J:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin>dir /al
 Le volume dans le lecteur J s'appelle SATA_1_J
 Le numéro de série du volume est DD8A-2E62

 Répertoire de J:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin
17/06/2016  17:08    <SYMLINK>      php.ini [j:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.19\phpForApache.ini]

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 17, 2016 08:23PM

It seems I kind create symbolic links

output of command shell:

H:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\bin>mklink php.ini h:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.19\phpForApache.ini
The device does not support symbolic links.


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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 17, 2016 08:57PM


Is your disk fomatted NTFS, not FAT32 ?

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 17, 2016 11:28PM


its FAT32 is that required or should I reinstall and have NTFS.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2016 12:06AM by LivingThis.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 18, 2016 09:33AM


It is impossible to create and operate symbolic links with FAT32.
You must use an NTFS disk.

Nota : For next installer's, addons and updates, I'll have to test if the disk on which you want to install Wampserver is formatted NTFS

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 18, 2016 02:02PM

Yes it looks it is due to the format type FAT32.

The reinstall on a NTFS disk results in a good running WAMP .

no issues like the problems mentioned before.

So, Otomatic, thank you for your time and your patience, well done job, though wouldnt it be a great idea to mention the NTFS disk format in the requirements?

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: June 18, 2016 02:41PM


> So, Otomatic, thank you for your time and your patience...
Thanks. As a former Quality Assurance Inspector, I like to know the "why" of problems.

> though wouldnt it be a great idea to mention the NTFS disk format in the requirements?
Yes and for next release, updates or addons, I'll have to test if the disk on which you want to install Wampserver is formatted NTFS

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: SimonT (
Date: June 19, 2016 01:20AM

Have you considered starting over?

Un-install WAMP, install the latest version, and go from there???

I learned along ago, in my 43+ years in data processing, that a fresh start is often the only recourse when problems can't be resolved. It can be a rather drastic measure, but sometimes there is no viable alternative to continuing to "chase your tail" with problems.

I've installed WAMP on three different systems and haven't encountered any of the errors - or any errors, for that matter - you are running it to. I believe a fresh start is called for.

When I have not been very sure that I don't know how to do something, I've read the documentation, come to this forum, and/or searched Google for information before trying it - and I've backed up the files I might be changing.

I think you need to start over. That will give you a clean starting point - a known, reproducible state.

Also - backup, backup, backup -- backup any files that you are going to change before you edit any files installed by WAMP, no matter how small the change seems.

If you make changes and they don't work and you don't see an easy fix - restore the backups and try again.

Chasing a problem by making more and more changes will lead you into a swamp of problems.

You should always have a way to get back to where you started and try again.

After I installed WAMP, I copied the entire WAMP directory to another directory on my HDD. Had I had problems earlier on and could not fix them, I could have used that backup to get back to where I was right after WAMP was installed. If I still had problems, I would have un-installed WAMP and then installed it again.

I take a few minutes, every so often, to review backups and move those I no longer need to a CD or DVD and label it well - discs cost very little and take up very little space: I keep those backups because, you never know, they may be needed at some future date.

I also copy backups to discs to guard against HDD failures.

Make backups of at least the files you are about to edit - you can always delete the backup copy when you don't need it any longer.

Seriously, consider un-installing WAMP and installing the newest version.

Be sure to backup anything you have put in WAMP directories before un-installing WAMP. Things like web site files you may have put under the WAMP www directory.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: SimonT (
Date: June 19, 2016 02:58AM

I typed up along reply to you a couple of days ago and trashed it.

I was trying to explain, without being rude, that you don't know as much about the aspects of computing involved here, and of which you speak as though you are knowledgeable, to resolve this problems.

You talk of hacking and such - I don't think you have an grasp on the actual area of computer security.

You can continue to work on all these problems - the original and and th new ones created by changes you've made trying to fix the original problem- or you can "drop back and punt" and un-install WAMP and install the latest version and begin from there.

On June 13, 2016 03:06PM, Otomatic made the recommendation that you start over - you choose to ignore that suggestion.

In my 43+ years in data processing, I learned early on that there are times when trying to make more and more changes to fix a problem, and creating more and more different errors, that there comes a point when you simply have to save any material of which you don't have backups - in this case web site pages and MySQL databases - and start from scratch.

In this case it means following the instructions Otomatic gave you on June 13, 2016 03:06PM

KEEP: this in mind - Otomatic is French, he is using English as a "foreign" language and he does a damn good job of it. He might occasionally say something in a way that a native English speaker might put it but I'll bet his English is beter than your French.

Read everything carefully, if you don't understand the use of a word or a phrase, ask him to reword it.

One example - he will say to "validate" something, say an option - what he means is to "check" it, to check the value of the option, to put a check mark in a check box or in front of an item on a menu.

I have absolutely no fault to give him for his English - I took Spanish in high school and if I asked someone how they were in Spanish, which I remember (but can't spell) I'd get it right but probably would not be able to understand their reply. He's way beyond that with English. My hat is always off to people who know a 2nd or 3rd, or however many, languages at his level of fluency.

Back to your problems -

Continuing as you are will only take you further into the swamp of problems.

I used to be on 24 hour call (was for about 32 years) for problems encountered by the operations or applications programming staff for the shops where I was Sr. Systems Programmer - huge mainframe shops with large distributed networks.

If the operator or programmer could not resolve the issue, I went in, no matter what day, time of day, or weather conditions and helped them fix the problem so that production batch was completed on schedule.

There were many times when I got in to find that the programmer had tried so many things to fix the problem that it no longer bore any resemblance to the original problem.

I would have them - not just suggest that they do it - put everything back as it was when the error originally occurred and then we would work the problem together, from the beginning.

Heaven help the applications programmer who had made changes to files or programs and did not have backup copies or an operator who reused backup tapes.

Those sorts of things were not tolerated and often, more often than not, resulted in probationary period or termination of the employee.

You need to start over with a fresh install of the newest version of WAMP - First save any web site files, databases, and anything else you put anywhere under the wamp or wamp64 directory.

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Re: dozens of errors in application logs
Posted by: LivingThis (
Date: June 21, 2016 06:18PM

All I can say is that WAMP is running perfectly, since I reïnstalled it on the NTFS disk.

When I say thank you for your time and patience I mean that. Its not meant ironic or so. I am honest here about everything.

I admit I hesistated before reinstalling WAMP. The reason is: I had a reinstall just a month before.

Sometimes I want to give some criticism, dont know why, it's typically Dutch they say, so a remark more or less has happened before I realize it.


I always make backups, from the www directory.

I started to mention hacking because I couldnt explain why specific parts of WAMP were not working.

The more I program the more I become confronted with security issues. I dont know if a normal antivirus program like Kaspersky is enough.
I wonder if there are more tools to check software like ToolHeap for malware or corrupted files.

I dont want to label a specific program, I'm also not sure if ToolHeap is not good or not. I hope not. But I'm afraid, i dont want to have everything running bad again.

If someone has any suggestions to check software like ToolHeap in advance, then I would like to hear that.

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