What is it? What does it do?
Posted by: Phillip Ross (---.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net)
Date: December 27, 2005 06:24PM

I've read this entire site, and I don't know what WampServer does. Perhaps someone can clarify it for me, and then put it somewhere on the site.


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Re: What is it? What does it do?
Posted by: Romain Bourdon (---.fbx.proxad.net)
Date: December 28, 2005 09:29AM

It installs apache, php and mysql on your computer.


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Re: What is it? What does it do?
Posted by: k776 (---.bliink.ihug.co.nz)
Date: December 28, 2005 11:16PM

Continuing for Romain,

It installs apache, php and mysql so a web server can be run on your computer. This means you dont have to pay someone else to have web space.

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