Did you name the file to have a .php extension? xxx.php
Did you use notepad to create the file? Bad idea, download notepad++, its free and a good editor.
Did you turn off, "hide extensions of known file types", in Explorer? No ! Then do so you are a developer now, not a user!
(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>Read The Manuals Apache --
MySQL --
PHP --
phpMyAdminGet your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the
WAMPServer alternate Repo-X-X-X-
Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-