Repair a user in phpmyadmin ? SQL Error
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Date: March 04, 2015 05:17PM
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Access denied for user 'sTimulated'@'localhost' (using password: YES) [1045]
Introducing a login server to my wamp install.
One of the main users got deleted by accident,remade that user.
Probably not a smart thing to do but now my forum fails to load because of this user.
Also a new user was made with the same name,which may of course be the problem?
deleted the newer user,made no difference.
Reverted back to the backup I made before the edits so all is fine again at the moment.
Was hoping to just export the user and import them into the newer edited wamp but export does not seem to export a file?
Is there another way to repair the user in the new install or something?
Out on the mobile at mo so cannot be a bit more precise with errors or such,plus I'd need to delete/copy/paste etc to get new install back up.....
Could it be so easy as swapping a file?
Apache 2.0.63
PHP 5.3.4
MySQL 5.5.24
Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2015 12:17PM by sTimulated.