Thanks a lot for your bug report! Another user of AeTM looked into this issue, and told me that the error message is probably due to the Windows API incorrectly handling default browsers other than IE. You can work around this by adding: Flags: ignoreerrors to the line in your config file that opens the webpage. (See also the documentation on this flag). Due to medical reasons, I'm currently unable to do any programming, so I'm afraid I can't solve the issue right now. However, I might be in a couple of months... :-\ I hope AeTM serves you well, and please keep me posted on any ideas or suggestions you might have for improvement )
Yours sincerely,
Onno Broekmans
Apparement il faut que tu ignores la declaration des erreurs en rajoutant le [flag] Flags: ignoreerrors CE bug est dû apparement à l'API windows qui ne prends correctement le browser par defaut autre que IE et d'ailleurs les programmeur de aestan en malade de pas pouvoir regler ceci :d merci d'avance
Moi j'ai reglé ce probleme en remplacant Type: item; Caption: "Localhost"; Action: run; FileName: "[localhost];; Glyph: 5 par Type: item; Caption: "Localhost"; Action: run; FileName: "C:\Utilitaires\FireFox\firefox.exe"; Parameters: "[localhost];; Glyph: 5
Il est possible de faire un script reperant le dossier d'installation qui se situe dans la base de registre (mais ca, je sais pas faire, j'ai modifié manuellement!).