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17 years ago
Ok, This is somehow a follow-up to my problems with mod_rewrite on wampserver 1.4.x (the "let's put all your matched patterns in lowercase because I feel like it" bug). => I've updated to the last version (wampserver 1.6.4) and the rule now works fine, that is : ------------------------------------ Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # RewriteLog "rewrite.log" Rewri
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Hi, Yesterday, I lost something like 4 hours before figuring wampserver 1.4.x had a HUGE bug in mod_rewrite, that is putting all matched pattern in lowercase (with or without the whose role is totally different) : (snippet of the .htaccess) : ------------------------- Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On # RewriteLog "rewrite.log" RewriteBase /somedirectory/somemore/ RewriteCond
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Bonjour, Voilà, juste un retour d'expérience sur un problème que j'ai eu avec wamp lors de l'activation d'une extension php (en l'occurence gettext) et du redémarrage des services. Symptôme : Dialog Box d'erreur de "Aestan Tray Menu" : " the configuration file contains a syntax error on line 226 Invalid section tag " Après avoir cherché en vain sur le net j'ai décid
Forum: WampServer Francais
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