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18 years ago
Hi. The error I have is this: Warning: mysql_connect() : Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
First, my english is... bad. Sorry. I have this problem. I have a local network in my office. I have 2 pc connected with a router and a switch. I have a public ip that no change when i restart my computer, is the same always (ip fija in spanish). I have created an user in MySQL with all privileges and password to a bd specifically. I have a router with the port 3306 open and I stop the firewal
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
Hi, a new problem I have got. I put a password to my root in phpMyAdmin, and now I can't use phpMyAdmin, this is that apeear in the sceen: #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) How I can resolve this? Thank you.
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
All is ok. From my computer I can't view my web writting my ip, whit localhots only. From others computers, my web run ok. Thenk you.
Forum: WampServer English
18 years ago
Hi, I have a problem. I have two computers in local network, equipo1 and equipo2. equipo1 has installed WAMP, and equipo2 is the computer I work with programs of design and program my webs. I don't know how I can see my webs in the equipo1 out of my local network, with another computer. I have a router and switch connect bettwen equipo1 and equipo2. How I can see thw webs from others computers? I
Forum: WampServer English
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