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15 years ago
found an answer at last... add the following query to your PHP after you connect to the DB mysql_query ('SET NAMES sjis'); - OR - mysql_query ('SET CHARACTER SET sjis'); either one works... not sure why or which is better but no longer are you left with a page of ???????????? instead of japanese characters! this should of course work for any character set you wish to force at ren
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
found an answer at last... add the following query to your PHP after you connect to the DB mysql_query ('SET NAMES sjis'); - OR - mysql_query ('SET CHARACTER SET sjis'); either one works... not sure why or which is better but no longer are you left with a page of ???????????? instead of japanese characters! this should of course work for any character set you wish to force at ren
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
no fix as yet read this for more info
Forum: WampServer English
15 years ago
Same error encountered here with Japanese 2byte characters on the latest WAMP (tried other MySQL versions - same error) Exact same setup works on another Apache/MySQL setup correctly displaying the Japanese shift-jis/sjis characters I noticed that the moderator of this forum said that use of utf-8 would fix it but this is NOT the case. There are specific character sets for Japanese that m
Forum: WampServer English
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