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16 years ago
I haven't ever heard of the FETCH function. Could you please tell me how to use it? Thanks for all of your help.
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
That would work if each row had one word or value in each column. In the column named title, there could be a row with the value of "pencil desk" if someone searches "desk pencil", your method will not return the row with "pencil desk" I want the result to include every row that contains "desk" and "pencil"
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I'm not too familiar with mysql, so there may be some minor problems. I am trying to allow someone to enter search terms and then have mysql return a table based on their search. Should I use something other than match and against to perform this query? I had been using: mysql_query("SELECT * FROM information WHERE title = '$search'" but this wouldn't allow anyone to enter
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I'm not too sure how incorporating java with php works, but in java applets, you must import packages. You are calling for the class Java(), but there is no Java function and you are not importing anything.
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
The mysql match and against functions appear to not be working. I receive an error when I try to use the query below. Here is the code that I am using: $search = $_GET['search'] $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM information WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST('$search' IN BOOLEAN MODE)" Is there anything wrong with this code, or is there a way to enable match and against? Thank
Forum: WampServer English
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