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16 years ago
Well, folks, I have to apologize...I fixed it by using the $_GET function: if ($_GET['type'] == NULL) { $type = 'home'; } else { $type = $_GET['type']; } It makes good sense why I should have been using it all along, but I'm still curious how the code worked on the hosted server. If anyone has an explanation I'd love to hear it! Thanks again for the help.
Forum: WampServer English
16 years ago
I'm sure this is a rookie question, but it has me stumped. I am passing variables via the URL in this fashion: In the PHP, I check for the "type" value by doing the following: if ($type == NULL) { $type = "home"; } The PHP code then uses the "type=" declaration to change the content based on the value. If the "type" variable is missing,
Forum: WampServer English
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