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11 years ago
Thank you for Wampee portable version of wampserver, hope to see a stable version of Wampee soon.
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
I did search (actually I have made a habit to search every forum before posting but couldn't find any) terms I used "flash drive", "usb flahs drive", “usb” could you post a link to how to. I did try installing on flash drive no problem with the installation, but the services wouldn’t start.
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Is it possible to install WAMP on flash drive.
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Hi all, Does anyone have sample code for implementing do direct method of paypal? Thanks in advance ranjan
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
That's right. But problem with short tags is that these don't work with Paypal API's I had to enable them and then Paypal API's worked(I am talking about sample api's)
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
So in the sample transaction mentioned above the problem of getack() function not defined has been solved. For details please visit following thread: I have simply done following change in php.ini: short_open_tag = Off to short_open_tag = On Regards, Ranjan
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Hi All, I have taken following steps: 1. Installed WAMP with addon for PHP4.4.2 2. Installed PEAR 3. Installed php-sdk and following steps were taken for the purpose 3.1 copy sdk in php directory 3.2 From commend line gave following command: php c:\wamp\php4\php-sdk\install.php 3.3 Installed the sdk in c:\wamp\www\projectfolder 4. I target my browser to samples/php 5. pressed "Use defaul
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Hi Nitin, It worked for me. Try to change <? echo "Nitin"; ?> to <?php echo "Nitin"; ?>
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Also, sqllitemanager is also not working.
Forum: WampServer English
17 years ago
Hi Nitin, Same is the case here. Earlier I had phpdev installed and all my projects were working fine. It had PHP4.2.3 and therefore I shifted to WAMP. Following code not working. <? echo"Hi"; ?>
Forum: WampServer English
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